Vienna Smart Meter Integration

Hi guys,

has already tried someone to integrate the Vienna smart meters in home assistant? There is already a python implementation of the api:

Thanks and best


there is a unofficial integration of this API for HASS.


Ha, that’s funny. I recently aske them if they had an API and they answered (after couple of weeks - on 2.Sept) with “no” ¯\(ツ)

Die Wiener Netze bieten aktuell keine API Schnittstelle zur Verarbeitung an.
Diese ist aktuell noch in Ausarbeitung.

Sofern die Wiener Netze dies in Zukunft anbietet, werden unsere Kunden über die Hompage der Wiener Netze darüber informiert.

Wir bitten hier um etwas Geduld.

Vielen Dank


Wiener Netze start to roll out the rest of its regions with smart meters. Especially the regions in Niederösterreich. Anyhow, this integration is getting more interesting then ever, especially because for lots of areas the Smart Meter is placed outside the building or at a place of a building you cannot easily put a arduino / ESP32 to get real time data (as described in one of the HA sessions last year).

So I hope this whole plugin gets pushed further and updated regularly, would just be great :slight_smile:

Thanks waiting for my smart meter which arrives in the next weeks to test the plugin.

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Living near Floridsdorf station and still waiting for any signs of Wiener Netze and their smart meter. :sleeping:

I’ve tried to install in 2022.9.x
but integration is not working/installing:

0.3.2: ERROR: Cannot install vienna-smartmeter[async]==0.3.2 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit Dependency Resolution - pip documentation v22.3.dev0

Anybody an solution?

thx, Juergen
(Vienna Floridsdorf ;))

Hi Jürgen!

Please check out GitHub - DarwinsBuddy/WienerNetzeSmartmeter: A home-assistant integration supporting WienerNetze Smartmeters as sensors , it should work (I just found it, but just activated my smart meter today so no data yet)

Yes, i’d installed this as well.
It doesn’t regonize the “outgoing electricity” (Photovoltaik; 2. Zählerpunkt)


I made a php-api for those smart-meters some time ago for those who prefer php.

Also, my guess is, reading data from a website via curl etc. is a bit easier.

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i have access to my smart meter AND i got the aes key so i wrote a little server which reads the data and serves them:

the home assistant config is found in the readme…

btw: it runs on a raspberry pi 3 in the “zählerkammerl”

Where could we get the documentation of the not official API if exists?