Viessmann Component

Interesting, thanks for sharing your insights - when looking very closely at my “load intensity” curve (i.e. the Riemann sum I run on modulation), you can see (halfway to the right, on that plateau) that I have the same problem with the delayed update of the integrale sum. It catches up as soon as the next value update happens, and stays flat in between.


Honestly, I never bothered, because a) my burner changes modulation quite regularly, so this effect is the exception, and b) I’m rather interested in daily values at max (so I don’t really care about hourly consumption), and in that daily total it calculates always correctly.
But I like how you work around that with the automation :slight_smile:

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I tried to set climate.vicare_heating temperature: value in automation, but each API call resets the value to what the boiler is set to. If I set it from android application the boiler is properly set to that value. Anyone know how to fix the temerature value?


Is it possible to control the temperature and working mode for the hot water, via the official integration or oischinger’s github version? I have Vitodens 100W but thermostat is available only for the heating. Thank you in advance!

The DHW (Domestic Hot water) Temperature can most certainly be set.
Here is the action part of one of my automations to set the DHW temperature :

      service: water_heater.set_temperature
        entity_id: water_heater.vicare_water
        temperature: 35
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Yes, there should be a separate water_heater entity. This entity is not a climate so it has a different card compared to regular thermostats. Also changing the mode is done for the main climate entity/device, not for water_heater entity separately.

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BTW, keep in mind that there was a Viessmann API change that is impacting newer models of Vitodens heaters. More details are here:

I think it is still open and not yet implemented in the upstream library not to mention in HA integration. Maybe you are impacted as well?

Indeed, this seems to be the problem. My device is new and with integrated WiFi, and now I see in the ViCare app that Heating and DHW are completely separated.

I can still set the DHW temperature, thank you and @Tommmii both, but when I try to toggle it on/off, I get the following error:

Failed to call service water_heater/turn_on. 'ViCareWater' object has no attribute 'async_turn_on'

For the heating it is kind of working (switching climate.vicare_heating from ‘auto’ to ‘off’), but a bit buggy (this may be also because I have disabled auto polling).

I’ll then try to find a workaround or maybe suggest a fix, but since I’m new to HA I guess you guys will figure it our quicker :slight_smile:

fwiw, i never bother to turn the DHW off, I use automations to change the temperature. Setting it to off, or setting the temp to 10°C has the same result in my mind.


True, thanks a lot. Most likely this is what I will be doing until it is fixed. I’ll just have to remove my schedules from the Vicare App so I’m not mistaken by the different data.

What can I do with this? I did everything according to the description, but it keeps getting stuck here.
Do you need to generate an Access Token? I tried that too, but it doesn’t work. I did everything described here: Viessmann ViCare - Home Assistant

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: components/vicare/
First occurred: 2:53:55 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:53:55 PM

Error setting up entry ViCare for vicare
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 382, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/vicare/", line 52, in async_setup_entry
    await hass.async_add_executor_job(setup_vicare_api, hass, entry)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/vicare/", line 82, in setup_vicare_api
    device = vicare_api.devices[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Could the problem be that I have a vitocom 100 lan and the system goes through the Vitotrol application and not ViCare?

very likely.
Fortunately you have this Viessmann Vitotrol2MQTT (Vitotrol/Vitodata100) , for Vitotrol.


it would be very great if you can add the power consumption values for the heat pump Vitocal 250A. By the way, great work and a big Thank.

Hi, I’ve been using the original vicare integration for months with my vitodens and it has been working no problem. Today I added the wifi module vitoconnect to my heatpump vitocal 100-s and added it successfully to my vicare app. I can see everything from the app but the integration only sees the vitodens and not the vitocal. I tried rebooting, deleting the integration and readding it but no luck, it doesn’t see it. Do I need to do something different? Thank you
ps. I also tried the unofficial integration and it still doesn’t see the heatpump. If can only choose one of the two I would like the heatpump but It doesn’t appear, do I need to recreate the api key?

Multiple device support is currently under development by @oischinger and not yet finished.

Ok I see, thank you. Any way to choose the second device instead of the first one? I can only choose theo one I already had even deleting and recreating the integration

You could try using the unofficial integration by oischinger. In the filesystem navigate to the file


in custom_components/vicare/

Go to Line 82 and change

    # Currently we only support a single device
    device = vicare_api.devices[0]


    # Currently we only support a single device
    device = vicare_api.devices[1]

Then restart HA.

Thank you very much

Question - can the fuel - propane- use be tracked via the app & can in be incorporated into HA. I have a 200W -B2HB-125 model from 2020. It does not currently have Vitoconnect and I understand the lon module was an optional accessory.

Hey guys,

I’m a noob here since I only installed Home Assistant yesterday. I am a proficient Python Programmer and an Electronics engineer (just to give you some background). I have ViCare working on my phone and Home Assistant Discovered it. I tried to install the Viessman Vicare integration. As you know the message says:

Set up ViCare integration. To generate API key go to []

I know what an API key is since I have generated them for Confluence before now. However I could find no option to generate an API key on the Viessmann site. I tried a few things but honestly I was stabbing in the dark. Its clearly possible so can someone tell me (or better still tell everybody) exactly how to navigate the Viessman site to retrieve the key.

Thanks, I look forward to contributing to this group once I have my setup up and running. I get solar panels 1 week from now :slight_smile: