I also have a Viessmann Vitodens Gas Heater which is connected to the Viessmann cloud through their Vitoconnect 100 module.
Viessmann offers an app called ViCare that allows me to control my heater using an account
A few weeks ago I discovered Home Assistant and in my search to automate as much as possible I wanted to include my gas heater, but sadly no component exists… yet.
Have you considered a opentherm hub to control the boiler?
Home assistant has a component to control the open source Opentherm gateway (OTGW)
The OTGW can monitor and control a opentherm compatible boiler with a opentherm controller.
I have a Viessmann Vitodens boiler with Honeywell’s evohome controller (which there is also a home assistant component for).
There is a technical issue with the boiler and controller which prevents me from manually setting the max flow temperature of the boiler.
Im working on a project at the moment to place a OTGW between the boiler and the controller to allow me to adjust certain boiler settings through home assistant. Mainly the max flow temp.
I’m not sure if this is of any help to you with your setup but may be worth some research as the tech already exists.
I have connected the ViCare api to my Home Assistant, enabling me now to read all data from the Vitoconnect interface and also being able to control the active modes (so putting it on forcedReduced when leaving home and forcedNormal when coming home, etc…
If someone is interested; just shout and I will explain it a bit more in detail.
Perfect timing for me -I was just debating with myself if I should try to code a Viessmann-integration myself when I saw your post here. Much appreciated if you can publish what you’ve done so far!
The script works quite well but I would prefer a fully integrated custom component for home assistant.
I started writing a component today and it seems to work (at least for the boiler temperature which I am currently creating a sensor for).
I’ll share it as soon as it has reached a useable state.
regarding the sensors that don’t return any data, which ones do you refer to?
I made a script to run through all sensors, and to check which ones did return anything for my installation. The Viessmann API contains quite a list, but depending on the installation it will, or won’t return data…
thanks @oischinger and @geertmeersman for kicking this off… I’m sure we’ll come up with something functional in the end
btw, @geertmeersman what’s up with the client_id and client_secret? I’m not sure where they are take from
@oischinger I think that the path taken by @geertmeersman of creating a “climate” component was better… any specific reason to go with the sensor component over the climate one?
@eldios the client_id and client_secret come from the initial french forum post, it’s coming from the guy that analysed the communication flow for the protocol.
In fact is is identifying an android/ios application. It is not that important, since you still need to provide your vicare username/password. So in my opinion, no security risk involved here
@eldios I also believe a climate component makes a lot of sense especially when programming the heater.
But a lot of data from vicare is just not covered by the climate component and additional sensors might make sense. Since I was mostly interested in monitoring I started with the sensors.
@geertmeersman I am getting no data for e.g. the consumption sensors (gas and power). heating.gas.consumption.heating just returns nothing.
This is weird because I can retrieve the data with the old vitotrol plus app.