Hello and good morning,
first of all: “Hello”. I am new here. (I started with implementing some Shelly1 a few weeks ago and so I took also notice of HomeAssistant - so Raspberry Pi4 bought, implemented and now I am here )
The problem is, that I have at the moment some questions and I do not really find an answer, so I try to ask:
Yesterday evening I wanted to integrate my Viessmann gas heating. (I have a Vitocom100 and use the Vitotrol App).
I followed the Link to https://developer.viessmann.com and made all the steps that were described there. Via cURL-command I receved an AccessToken in this format:
My question is now: Is the AccessToken the “API Key” that I need to use in the integration dialog as “API Key”? My problem is that this doesn’t work…
It seems that I have somewhere an error (either in my mind or in the steps I did…).
Has someone ever made this before?
(I also have a problem with my SOMFY integration - closing or opening a jalousie works fine, but when I want to close/open the same jalousie (or another one) it doens’t work any more. (What I want to say: I only can use it once and then it doesn’t work any more - only after waiting a while…)
Is it better to open a separate thread for the SOMFY topic? I do not want to annoy you with opening too many threads…)
Ah, seems to be a bug in the translation (or maybe the client_id is called “API key” on viessmann site?).
But it definitely seems the OAuth Client ID is what is needed.
I using the ViCare Integration, when I created the token for the integration. I did it as mentiont on the page from the integration.
Name: PyViCare
Google reCAPTCHA: Disabled
Redirect URIs: vicare://oauth-callback/everest
Did you use the same E-Mail Adress as for the app account?
I think you also need to switch your account to the ViCare app if that is possible with the Vitocom100. For my heating system I had the Votocomfort200 and sadly that was not supportet by the ViCare app, now I am using the Vitoconnect OPTO2. As far as I read the developement account is not working for the old apps/accounts.
Dear All,
I haven’t managed to connect either. Please, let’s revitalize this topic as it is becomming more popluar. I tried all options above but no success. Anyone had any luck?