Hello everyone. I was wondering if there are any other users here of philippoo66’s great Optolink Splitter project?
For those who don’t know it yet: With the help of the Optolink Splitter, the Optolink signals of a Viessmann heating system can be read out relatively easily and sent to MQTT. At the same time, an existing Vitoconnect and thus the Viessmann app can also still be used via a UART USB adapter.
More information in the repo: philippoo66/optolink-splitter: Splitter for Viessmann Optolink connection (github.com)
I was wondering, for all users of the Optolink splitter, what your configurations look like?
In particular, I have not yet found a good way to create an MQTT Climate entity from the Viessmann information. My Viessmann heating works with a normal and reduced operation mode. Depending on the operating mode, there are different MQTT topics with different target temperatures. However, the Home Assistant Climate entity only ever expects one global topic for the temperature_state_topic
. As a result, only the target temperature of the normal operating mode is ever displayed in my climate entity, regardless of which operating mode was actually selected.
I would also be interested to know how you set the time for the operating modes via Home Assistant. I could use automations for this, but I would like to make the whole thing as easy as possible for my for my father-in-law to control visually. Then we could finally get away from the Viessmann app altogether. Or do most of you still use the app to set the times for the operating modes?
To make a start. Here is my Optolink splitter configuration:
Copyright 2024 philippoo66
Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# serial ports +++++++++++++++++++
port_vitoconnect = '/dev/ttyAMA0' # '/dev/ttyS0' older Pi:'/dev/ttyAMA0' {optional} set None if no Vitoconnect
port_optolink = '/dev/ttyUSB0' # '/dev/ttyUSB0' {mandatory}
vs2timeout = 600 # seconds to detect VS2 protocol on vitoconnect connection
# MQTT +++++++++++++++++++
mqtt = "" # e.g. ""; set None to disable MQTT
mqtt_user = "user:password" # "<user>:<pwd>"; set None for anonymous connect
mqtt_topic = "vitocrossal" # "optolink"
mqtt_fstr = "{dpname}" # "{dpaddr:04X}_{dpname}"
mqtt_listen = "vitocrossal/cmnd" # "optolink/cmnd"; set None to disable listening
mqtt_respond = "vitocrossal/resp" # "optolink/resp"
# TCP/IP +++++++++++++++++++
tcpip_port = None # e.g. 65234 is used by Viessdataby default; set None to disable TCP/IP
# full raw timing
fullraw_eot_time = 0.05 # seconds. time no receive to decide end of telegram
fullraw_timeout = 2 # seconds. timeout, return in any case
# logging, info +++++++++++++++++++
log_vitoconnect = False # logs communication with Vitoconnect (rx+tx telegrams)
show_opto_rx = False # display on screen (no output when ran as service)
# format +++++++++++++++++++
max_decimals = 4
data_hex_format = '02x' # set to '02X' for capitals
resp_addr_format = 'd' # format of DP address in MQTT/TCPIP request response; e.g. 'd': decimal, '04X': hex 4 digits
# Viessdata utils +++++++++++++++++++
write_viessdata_csv = False
viessdata_csv_path = ""
buffer_to_write = 60
dec_separator = ","
# 1-wire sensors +++++++++++++++++++
w1sensors = {}
# # addr : ('<w1_folder/sn>', '<slave_type>'),
# 0xFFF4 : ('28-3ce1d4438fd4', 'ds18b20'), # highest known Optolink addr is 0xff17
# 0xFFFd : ('28-3ce1d443a4ed', 'ds18b20'),
# }
# polling datapoints +++++++++++++++++++
poll_interval = 10 # seconds. 0 for continuous, set -1 to disable Polling
poll_items = [
# VScotHO1_72
# (Name, DpAddr, Len, Scale/Type, Signed)
("aussentemperatur", 0x5525, 2, 1/10, True),
("kesseltemperatur", 0x0810, 2, 1/10, False),
("kesselsolltemperatur", 0x555A, 1, 1, False),
("brenner", 0x55D3, 1, 1, False),
("modulationsgrad", 0xA305, 1, 1, False),
("interne_pumpe", 0x7660, 1, 1, False),
("interne_pumpe_drehzahl", 0x7660, 2, 1, False),
("brennerstarts", 0x088A, 4, 1, False),
("brenner_betriebszeit", 0x08A7, 2, 1, False),
("hydraulische_weiche_temperatur", 0x080C, 2, 1/10, False),
("abgastemperatur", 0x0816, 2, 1/10, False),
("solar_kollektortemperatur", 0x6564, 2, 1/10, True),
("solar_speichertemperatur", 0x6566, 2, 1/10, False),
("solar_betriebszeit", 0x6568, 2, 1, False),
("solar_waermemenge", 0x6560, 4, 1/1000, False),
("solar_solarpumpe", 0x6552, 1, 1, False),
("solar_nachladeunterdrueckung", 0x6551, 1, 1, False),
("solar_ertrag_aktueller_tag", 0xCF30, 4, 1/1000, False),
("heizkreispumpe_m2", 0x3906, 1, 1, False),
("heizkreispumpe_m3", 0x4906, 1, 1, False),
("heizkreispumpe_drehzahl_m2", 0x7665, 2, 1, False),
("heizkreispumpe_drehzahl_m3", 0x7667, 2, 1, False),
("aktuelle_betriebsart_m2", 0x2500, 1, 1, False),
("aktuelle_betriebsart_m3", 0x3500, 1, 1, False),
("betriebsart_m2", 0x3323, 1, 1, False),
("betriebsart_m3", 0x4323, 1, 1, False),
("vorlauftemperatur_m2", 0x3900, 2, 1/10, False),
("vorlauftemperatur_m3", 0x4900, 2, 1/10, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2", 0x3306, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3", 0x4306, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m2", 0x3307, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m3", 0x4307, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_party_m2", 0x3308, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_soll_party_m3", 0x4308, 1, 1, False),
("raumtemperatur_m2", 0x0898, 2, 1/10, False),
("raumtemperatur_m3", 0x089A, 2, 1/10, False),
("warmwasserbereitung", 0x650A, 1, 1, False),
("warmwasser_temperatur_speicher", 0x0812, 2, 1/10, False),
("warmwasser_auslauftemperatur", 0x0814, 2, 1/10, False),
("warmwasser_solltemperatur", 0x6300, 1, 1, False),
("warmwasser_speicherladepumpe", 0x6513, 1, 1, False),
("warmwasser_zirkulationspumpe", 0x6515, 1, 1, False),
vitocrossal.json (For the automatic discovery of MQTT entities by Homeassitant)
"base_topic": "vitocrossal/",
"dp_prefix": "vitocrossal_",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "Vitocrossal",
"model": "Vitocrossal 300C",
"manufacturer": "Viessmann"
"device_short": {
"identifiers": [
"datapoints": [
"domain": "climate",
"name": "M2 Thermostat",
"optimistic": true,
"mode_command_topic": "cmnd",
"mode_state_topic": "betriebsart_m2",
"modes": [
"mode_state_template": "{% if value==\"0\" %} off {% elif value==\"1\" %} off {% elif value==\"2\" %} auto {% elif value==\"3\" %} heat {% elif value==\"4\" %} heat {% endif %}",
"mode_command_template": "{% if value==\"off\" %} w;0x3323;1;0 {% elif value==\"auto\" %} w;0x3323;1;2 {% elif value==\"heat\" %} w;0x3323;1;4 {% endif %}",
"preset_mode_command_topic": "cmnd",
"preset_mode_state_topic": "betriebsart_m2",
"preset_modes": [
"Nur Warmwasser",
"preset_mode_value_template": "{% if value==\"1\" %} Nur Warmwasser {% elif value==\"3\" %} eco {% elif value==\"4\" %} comfort {% else %} None {% endif %}",
"preset_mode_command_template": "{% if value==\"Nur Warmwasser\" %} w;0x3323;1;1 {% elif value==\"eco\" %} w;0x3323;1;3 {% elif value==\"comfort\" %} w;0x3323;1;4 {% else %} w;0x3323;1;2 {% endif %}",
"current_temperature_topic": "vorlauftemperatur_m2",
"temperature_state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2",
"temperature_command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2",
"precision": 0.1,
"temperature_unit": "C",
"min_temp": 3,
"max_temp": 37,
"temp_step": 1
"domain": "climate",
"name": "M3 Thermostat",
"optimistic": true,
"mode_command_topic": "cmnd",
"mode_state_topic": "betriebsart_m3",
"modes": [
"mode_state_template": "{% if value==\"0\" %} off {% elif value==\"1\" %} off {% elif value==\"2\" %} auto {% elif value==\"3\" %} heat {% elif value==\"4\" %} heat {% endif %}",
"mode_command_template": "{% if value==\"off\" %} w;0x4323;1;0 {% elif value==\"auto\" %} w;0x4323;1;2 {% elif value==\"heat\" %} w;0x4323;1;4 {% endif %}",
"preset_mode_command_topic": "cmnd",
"preset_mode_state_topic": "betriebsart_m3",
"preset_modes": [
"Nur Warmwasser",
"preset_mode_value_template": "{% if value==\"1\" %} Nur Warmwasser {% elif value==\"3\" %} eco {% elif value==\"4\" %} comfort {% else %} None {% endif %}",
"preset_mode_command_template": "{% if value==\"Nur Warmwasser\" %} w;0x4323;1;1 {% elif value==\"eco\" %} w;0x4323;1;3 {% elif value==\"comfort\" %} w;0x4323;1;4 {% else %} w;0x4323;1;2 {% endif %}",
"current_temperature_topic": "vorlauftemperatur_m3",
"temperature_state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3",
"temperature_command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3",
"precision": 0.1,
"temperature_unit": "C",
"min_temp": 3,
"max_temp": 37,
"temp_step": 1
"domain": "water_heater",
"name": "Warmwasser",
"mode_state_topic": "warmwasserbereitung",
"optimistic": true,
"modes": [
"mode_state_template": "{% if value==\"0\" %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}",
"current_temperature_topic": "warmwasser_temperatur_speicher",
"temperature_state_topic": "warmwasser_solltemperatur",
"temperature_command_topic": "warmwasser_solltemperatur",
"precision": 0.1,
"temperature_unit": "C",
"min_temp": 10,
"max_temp": 60,
"temp_step": 1
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "aussentemperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "kesseltemperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "brenner",
"icon": "mdi:gas-burner",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "modulationsgrad",
"unit_of_measurement": "%",
"icon": "mdi:auto-mode"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "interne_pumpe",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "brennerstarts",
"icon": "mdi:timer-play-outline"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "brenner_betriebszeit",
"unit_of_measurement": "h",
"icon": "mdi:clock-start"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "hydraulische_weiche_temperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "abgastemperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "solar_kollektortemperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "solar_speichertemperatur",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "solar_betriebszeit",
"unit_of_measurement": "h",
"icon": "mdi:clock-start"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "solar_waermemenge",
"unit_of_measurement": "MWh",
"icon": "mdi:heat-wave"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "solar_solarpumpe",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "solar_nachladeunterdrueckung",
"icon": "mdi:upload-off",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "solar_ertrag_aktueller_tag",
"unit_of_measurement": "kWh",
"icon": "mdi:solar-power"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "vorlauftemperatur_m2",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "sensor",
"name": "vorlauftemperatur_m3",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer"
"domain": "number",
"name": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer",
"mode": "box",
"min": 3,
"max": 37,
"step": 1,
"state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2",
"command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m2"
"domain": "number",
"name": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer",
"mode": "box",
"min": 3,
"max": 37,
"step": 1,
"state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3",
"command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_normalbetrieb_m3"
"domain": "number",
"name": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m2",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer",
"mode": "box",
"min": 3,
"max": 37,
"step": 1,
"state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m2",
"command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m2"
"domain": "number",
"name": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m3",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer",
"mode": "box",
"min": 3,
"max": 37,
"step": 1,
"state_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m3",
"command_topic": "raumtemperatur_soll_eco_m3"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "warmwasser_speicherladepumpe",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "warmwasser_zirkulationspumpe",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "heizkreispumpe_m2",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
"domain": "binary_sensor",
"name": "heizkreispumpe_m3",
"icon": "mdi:pump",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"payload_on": "1",
"payload_off": "0"
Final result: