Viessmann ViCare integration not working

Integration stopped working.
I delete the old integration, but now I can not create a new one.
I have a new PyVicare client, but it does not help.
Error message when creating integration:
“Unknown error occurred”

Any ideas what to do?

Br Pasi

I’m having exactly the same error.

Same Problem here, maybe a Problem with the API?

Found this on GitHub:

Try to remove
rm /config/.storage/
and reload vicare integration


Hi, where to find this file? Not able to find it in file editor in HA.

Try to connect over Samba and make hidden files visible in the explorer. .storage is a hidden folder.

Tx info, but how to do this? I am new on HA…

Smb connection is a addon in Homeassistant. Install it, then it’s possible to connect with Smb in the explorer or similar. Ask google how to.

Top! Tx, this works …

Thanks, that save me.

That worked for me as well, thank you!

just checking in, is your integration offline as well?
time will tell…

After wasting 1 day troubleshooting this “Invalid Authentication” I realised that my password contained special characters like Ø .
After changing them to more standard characters all went ok.