View HA on two win 10 pcs on same home network

I am using my desktop to access HA on my server. Can I also access HA on my laptop as the same time? If so how do I dsetup my laptop?

You can view your HA instance in a browser on many devices at one time. No need to setup whatever.
Just enter the address of your HA in the browser.

Thanks. Are you referring to the IP address of HA

yes, exactly that

I have HA showing on 1 pc and 2 laptops as well as 1 Ipad at the same time. Furthermore I have a Nabu account as have HA on my Iphone as well.

Thanks guys. i have tried these suggestions without success. My laptop and desktop PC are on the same network connected by cable to my rouser. both are windows 10 I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions

if it works on one PC, just copy the URL that works on that PC, and use it on the other PC

Thanks again for all the suggestions. I have tried them all and still no luck. i don’t want to wsitch off my PC as I am getting sensor data and if I have problems re-connecting my PC i will loose data.
It seems I should be able to access HA with multiple computers all using the same homeassistant:8123 in the browser address. The fact my laptop does not suggests a laptop issue… Both are connected to my router with cat cable. My laptop ,although slow, accesses the internet without issue. Both use opera browser.
Any suggestions?

You still haven’t told us what you’re actually seeing when you try to connect via your laptop’s browser.

What happens if you try your HA address on your phone’s browser when connected to wifi?

On PC that doesn’t connect to HA is there any firewall installed that is configured differently than on other PC? Could be that port 8123 is blocked? Is this PC capable to resolve mDNS name of homeassistant ( do you get response to ping homeassistant command or error message)? Have you tried to connect with IP rather than mDNS name (eg. something like instead of homeassistant:8123)?


I have got it working!!!
I spoke severely to my laptop changed the browser rebooted and by magic it works. A BIG THANKS for all the suggestions


You threatened to fold it the wrong way round and convinced it to cooperate?

Yes and do other unspeakable things

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So now you get sued by your laptop for domestic violence?

ouch I’ll take my chances in court