View UIp from UniFi doorbell

Hello. I’m trying to view the UIp from my doorbell fingerprint event. I get it to send me a message when fingerprint identified but have no clue how to attach data. I’ve seen examples of attaching data, but can’t seem to replicate. After saving the changes, iPhone companion app) reformats it to look different and gives errors I seen an example in documentation … copied exactly and changed variables to reflect my system … no go.

Could someone with iPhone companion app show me what I need to do?

From documentation:

alias: G4 Doorbell Fingerprint Identified Automation
description: Automation that triggers when a fingerprint is successfully identified on the G4 Doorbell Pro
  - platform: event
    event_type: state_changed
      entity_id: event.g4_doorbell_pro_poe_fingerprint # Replace with your doorbell entity
  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ is not none and == 'identified' and
         (|default('')) != '' and in ['ALLOWED_ID1', 'ALLOWED_ID2']
  - service: notify.mobile_app_your_device # Replace with your notification target
      message: "Fingerprint identified with ID: {{ }}"
      title: "Fingerprint Scan Notification"
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I’m struggling with this too. I’m not seeing any ID with fingerprint or NFC scans in the logs.

If you go in developer tools and search for your doorbell you will find the entity event_doorbell.fingerprint and you should be able to see the ulp_id of the last trigger


i am new to this. Can maybe someone create a blueprint for an identified fingerprint to do something like push a button? Or at least tell me how to tell the automation what is the trigger moment to do something. I tried several things but they didnt wor out…
Thanks that would be great!!!

Hey - I just created a new automation the monitors the fingerprint entity on the doorbell for a state change. Under the “And if” section of the automation visual editor I selected Event type, used the fingerprint entity, set the attribute to event type and the state Identified. I added another condition that uses the fingerprint entity again, with attribute set to Ulp ID with the state as the Ulp ID that I got from the developer view when searching for the fingerprint entity in the “states” section. From there you can set whatever action you’d like it to take when those conditions are met. I don’t think you need the Ulp_ID piece, but I think it is a nice extra layer of validation. Hope this helps, and I’d love any feedback that the community has if there is a better or more secure way to do this. I just figured I would share what I have so far.

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thanks so much!!!
It worked.
I am very happy now - lost so many useless hours before.
You are the best

I created the automation per your instructions, but the automation won’t just trigger, Last triggered shows Never, even though I tested it multiple times, even after restarts of HA on different days, and I can see the State been logged in the Developer Tools. Does anything else come to mind, that you had to setup in HA?

Also to note the automation I have created for the doorbell button does work, but that was easier to create since most options were already available on the graphical editor.


Have you notice that this automation gets triggered randomly? I am trying to change state_changed with identified but it doesn’t work.