View with all entities (similar to default home)

I know that if you don’t configure a view called default_view, it just automatically shows all groups and entities, but is there a way to replicate this on a different view.

I don’t want my home view to have everything on it, however I find it useful to be able to see things when I change the names (I spent about 10 minutes trying to work out if there was a syntax error in my yaml before realising that the reason I couldn’t see my automation was because I had renamed it…)


Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to have another view with everything showing automatically.

I use the states page <> under the developer tools to see the names. https://<ip>:8123/dev-state

Bump! Is this possible with the current version? I love this tab, and don’t want to lose it… but it’s a terrible “first page”