View with cameras completely grinds the iOS app

Had a soso experience on my camera view before (max 4 cams at a time), but after adding some more cam cards to the view, opening the view completely seems to grind the app. I can load it to show a couple of cams, but no way to scroll down and view them all.

When on Wifi, I can turn-off wifi and have the phone connect over the data 5g connection, and the app comes back to life. however, showing the cam view simply repeats the process of showing the first couple and next the app is dead.

Swiping the app up, out of open apps and reloading it again doesnt help, it simply returns to the cam view.

Only restarting the iPhone helps, and gives me my app back again.

Any thoughts on what this might be?

my cams are in a conditional card, either checking the availability, or the privacy mode:

          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:decluttering-card
                template: camera_available
                  - entity: terras
                  - name: Terras
              - type: custom:decluttering-card
                template: camera_privacy
                  - entity: poort
                  - name: Poort

other than that, and a media-query for the screensize, (which decides whether the cams are in a horizontal row per 2, or simply in a vertical stack on smaller screens)

  - type: custom:state-switch
    entity: mediaquery
      '(min-width: 1000px)':

there’s nothing special about it. Regular Desktop also seems to notice the weight of the view, but doesnt die and allows a simple reload to be refreshed.

Same is happening to me. Did you somehow managed to fix it?