Viewing LTS sensor only goes back 3 months instead of more than a year

Is it possible to view long term statistics for a whole year?

Since there’s no good way to directly view the data of a LTS sensor, I fired up a statistics card, and tried to plot my data.

All the sensors I have that already have LTS data only go back to July 14th, or sometimes July 1st, depending on how I configure the Statistics card.

Obviously my “Grid Import Power” sensor here goes back way further than that:

InfluxDB shows it going back to May 2022.

I recently discovered the whole long-term-statistics thing, and kinda realized quickly how poor it is to visualize the data (really, there’s no better way than to create a card, and start adding LTS sensors to it?!?!) and now it looks like it could be just straight up broken?

Or am I doing something wrong?

I just tried displaying 365 days of data in a Statistics Card and it worked fine. Maybe you should look into the database to see if you actually have the data prior to July.