Vikunja Integration

Vikunja is an Open-Source, self-hosted To-Do list application for all platforms.

API Docs:
Github name: go-vikunja

Or even just a Vikunja add-on to start with? This looks like some really polished software, much better than other stuff which is available for to-do lists, and I expect many people would use it if it were able to be run alongside Home Assistant.

Is there someone who can help me to make this happen?


+1 for an integration

+1 for an integration


I created one. GitHub - Craftoncu/hacs-vikunja-integration: Embed your Vikunja Tasks into HomeAssistant

But right now it isn’t possible to mark a task as resolved in home assistant. Its due hass logic I don’t understood until now. I’m trying to fix it soon.

Pull requests are very welcome!


can you have HA create tasks in vikunja w/ this integration?
Id have some automations based on triggers…etc create some todos or is this just pulling in only?

Is this supposed to only show the projects or each task as well?