Vimar By-Me / By-Web integration

Hi, I’m new to home assistant. I have a vimar 01945 and I would like to connect it to home assistant, can you explain me how to connect it? Thanks

Hi and welcome. Once you have setup home-assistant have a look at the github page, linked in the first post.

I think it is an option that can be activated on request. From the logic unit manual I see that it is possible to control this parameter so I believe it is also possible from the interface. I have to try…

would that be the “BOOST” parameter so “stato_boost on/off” attribute, right?
I can enable it if you want to try it. I do not have a heater so I cannot try out.

Yes. The parameter is that. For now I don’t think it is necessary to enable anything. I’d like to try first.
I don’t have a heating with the boost function either. But I can program an actuator to test this function. Tonight, when I get home from work, I try and send you the parameters.

Auxiliary heating / cooling starts automatically. It is not possible to decide whether to activate it or not via the web interface. :+1:


Ok. So the cleanest way would be to add a sensor to HA for this, right? Unfortunately it seems not to be able to find out if there is really a heater connected to the vimar system, right?

I don’t know if it’s possible but I think the cleanest way would be to set this slider

to off when boost = 0 and to on when boost = 1

Also i did a little test on knx components added some time ago.
They are all functional except for these three.

Row000027: '48850', 'value', '- 1', '2.00'
Row000028: '58240', 'value', '- 1', '0.00'
Row000029: '59303', 'value', '- 1', '900.48'

These should be set as input number whit slider or box
In the Vimar Webserver there are numeric input boxes:

I think there is a translation problem.
In “clima cameretta” the heating is active but it says “Raffreddamento”. The correct translation is “Riscaldamento”
On the contrary, in “Clima Lavanderia” cooling is active but it says “Riscaldamento”. The correct translation is “Raffreddamento”

Hello everyone. excuse me if I’m behind you! I solved the problems with the raspberry I had. now, for when trying to install the repository I get this error:

1 “You are using a custom integration for home-assistant-vimar-master which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.”

2 Error during setup of component vimar_platform 15:49:46 – custom_components/home-assistant-vimar-master/ (ERROR)

3 Certificate download error: VimarApiError: Saving certificate failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘’ 15:49:46 – home-assistant-vimar-master (ERROR)
Logger: custom_components.home-assistant-vimar-master
Source: custom_components/home-assistant-vimar-master/
Integration: home-assistant-vimar-master
First occurred: 15:49:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:49:46

Certificate download error: VimarApiError: Saving certificate failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘

But, if I enter that address on the browser, I connect directly to the link to download the certificate.

how can I solve? Please. Thanks

the warning at the beginning is normal - all custom components show this. it indicates that you put code into the right place.

download the certificate directly in your browser, and save it in the vimar_platform directory.
then add the following line to your configuration.yaml in the vimar_platform context:

  certificate: rootCA.VIMAR.crt

or see a full example here:

I can add this button, but then you would be able to change it - which as I expected woult not make sense as it is a readonly value right?

about the KNX devices. I added CH_KNX_GENERIC_POWER_KW as read only sensors - so they should show up on top like the other load measurements. If those values should be editable I need to change that. let me know.

I see - i have a similar problem report on github as well. I updated the code now - let me know if this works.

Good morning. thank you for your help. I had already tried as you told me, but nothing. now I tried again, but always the same message. I even tried to force as you say. my configuration.yaml is:-

username: ‘amministratore’
password: ‘xxxxxx’
host: ‘
certificate: rootCA.VIMAR.crt.

the error the same:-

Setup of hacs is taking over 10 seconds.

11:07:01 – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/ (WARNING)

Error during setup of component vimar_platform

11:06:51 – custom_components/vimar_platform/ (ERROR)

Certificate download error: VimarApiError: Saving certificate failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘

11:06:51 – vimar_platform (ERROR).


no problem.
Is this the actual configuration? can you try to remove the “.” at the end of the certificate filename?
also remove all the quotes.
if you vimar webserver is located on the same network - you could also use your internal IP adress (if it does not change regulary) it should be able to download the ceritifcate then as well.

Sorry. I wrote the point here but I didn’t write about the configuration. I removed quote and i write the internal ip fixed but nothing. the same error:

Certificate download error: VimarApiError: Saving certificate failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘

and now, also:-

Error occurred: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /vimarbyweb/modules/vimar-byme/script/rootCA.VIMAR.crt (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fb16d0ac0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused’))

my configuration is:

username: amministratore
password: xxxxx
certificate: rootCA.VIMAR.crt

sorry my fault - please put the rootCA.VIMAR.crt into the config directory - next to you configuration.yaml. the integration should not try to download it, if it finds the file there.

Hello. I cry!!! I did it! Thank you very much. Now I can say that your integration also works with the Vimar light web server 01946. You’re really big. Thank you again

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The operating mode of the thermostats now has the correct name.

Those knx entities are input.
I made a little video:

Are values that the logic unit uses for its programs. Very similar to HA automations.
I thought, if possible, to set those entities as input number. Like this…

I see. I will check if this is possible. The slider you linked is a template entity for the frontend - i am not sure if i can add such things via the platform integration interface. If you have an integration that does this, please send me a link and i will look up the code.