Vimar By-Me / By-Web integration

I’m not very code savvy … can one of these fit?

mmh - I can’t find an integration that actually uses them as a base class:

or use the domain e.g. for InputNumber anywhere other than the tests:

but i’ll give it a try.

Hi, I installed this integration and added the lines in configuration.yaml but I get this error what should I do? Cattura

Please have a look at your home-assistant.log file and see if can see anything regarding the vimar_platform.

I found this:

Seems to be the same problem as Slavo0891 - please download the file listed in your logs:
directly from your browser and save it in the directory where your configuration.yaml is located.

in which directory should I put it? Thanks

Please put it there :wink:

I put the file inside the configuration but the error from before comes out

Mmh still the same error?
Please add the following line to your configuration.yaml: certificate: rootCA.VIMAR.crt

It should be right below host, username and password (same indent) for the vimar_platform.

I have inserted this

Ciao. Ricki controlla le maiuscole. Vedi se nel web server la user “amministratore” è scritto con la A maiuscola. Home Assistant è sensibile.

ora provo a vedere grazie.

I tried reinstalling it and now everything works, nice project. Thanks

i have installed the repository and it works really well. Good job.
may I ask you if it is possible to use the temperature value read by the thermostat to make automations for example, or simply use it in a graph?

Hello and welcome on board.

usually all thermostats should be shown automatically in the home-assistants overview like in this post above: Vimar integration - WIP

an automation can be added in the settings under Automations like this:

Select a trigger e.g. “numeric state” and select your thermostat/climate device:
(in this case it should trigger if the temperature falls under 20°C for at least 2 minutes)

after that select to run a service under the action section:
(here it will just turn on a light - which does not make much sense, but you get the idea)

hope that will help you further.

Ok, thanks a lot.
but if i want to use this graph to track the temperature, for example


it’s no possibile because climate.xxxxx is not a entity sensor.

there are other way?


there are two ways:

  • you can just create a new sensor using configuration.yaml
  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.your_climate_entitiy', 'current_temperature') }}"
  • or add a history graph like this:

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thanks, it’s perfect

Hi guys,
has anyone managed to map the values of the weather station?

I also found these sensors that I guess come from vimar 01456 modules. However, I cannot understand what the instantaneous consumption of the load they control is. Can you help me?