Good morning. thank you for your help. I had already tried as you told me, but nothing. now I tried again, but always the same message. I even tried to force as you say. my configuration.yaml is:-
no problem.
Is this the actual configuration? can you try to remove the “.” at the end of the certificate filename?
also remove all the quotes.
if you vimar webserver is located on the same network - you could also use your internal IP adress (if it does not change regulary) it should be able to download the ceritifcate then as well.
Sorry. I wrote the point here but I didn’t write about the configuration. I removed quote and i write the internal ip fixed but nothing. the same error:
Error occurred: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /vimarbyweb/modules/vimar-byme/script/rootCA.VIMAR.crt (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fb16d0ac0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused’))
sorry my fault - please put the rootCA.VIMAR.crt into the config directory - next to you configuration.yaml. the integration should not try to download it, if it finds the file there.
Hello. I cry!!! I did it! Thank you very much. Now I can say that your integration also works with the Vimar light web server 01946. You’re really big. Thank you again
Are values that the logic unit uses for its programs. Very similar to HA automations.
I thought, if possible, to set those entities as input number. Like this…
I see. I will check if this is possible. The slider you linked is a template entity for the frontend - i am not sure if i can add such things via the platform integration interface. If you have an integration that does this, please send me a link and i will look up the code.