Managed to get some more time to look this, and come on leaps and bounds. Realised I needed to do a fair bit more reading and got to the position whereby the zigbee2mqtt is working.
Attempted to add a new device (Hive lightbulb) which didnt work so tried the Ikea remote ( Though the logs showed there was some attempt at this, I believe it failed as no device was available within Configuration>Integration. (believe this is how it should work, happy to be corrected). Any thoughts on next steps?
7/16/2019, 3:42:26 PM - info: New device 'undefined' with address 0xd0cf5efffec08c3b connected!
7/16/2019, 3:42:26 PM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"device_connected","message":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","meta":{}}'
7/16/2019, 3:42:26 PM - warn: Device with modelID 'undefined' is not supported.
7/16/2019, 3:42:26 PM - warn: Please see:
7/16/2019, 3:42:28 PM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b/action/config', payload '{"icon":"mdi:gesture-double-tap","value_template":"{{ value_json.action }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","name":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b_action","unique_id":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b_action_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","name":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.4.0","model":"TRADFRI remote control (E1524)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}'
7/16/2019, 3:42:28 PM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b/linkquality/config', payload '{"unit_of_measurement":"-","value_template":"{{ value_json.linkquality }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","name":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b_linkquality","unique_id":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b_linkquality_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","name":"0xd0cf5efffec08c3b","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.4.0","model":"TRADFRI remote control (E1524)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}'
7/16/2019, 3:42:32 PM - warn: Failed to configure 0xd0cf5efffec08c3b (0xd0cf5efffec08c3b) ('Error: AF data request fails, status code: 240. MAC transaction expired.') (attempt #1)
7/16/2019, 3:42:32 PM - warn: This can be ignored if the device is working properly
7/16/2019, 3:42:42 PM - warn: Failed to configure 0xd0cf5efffec08c3b (0xd0cf5efffec08c3b) ('Error: AF data request fails, status code: 240. MAC transaction expired.') (attempt #2)
7/16/2019, 3:42:42 PM - warn: This can be ignored if the device is working properly
7/16/2019, 3:42:49 PM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0xd0cf5efffec08c3b', payload '{"battery":21,"linkquality":134}'
7/16/2019, 3:42:57 PM - warn: Failed to configure 0xd0cf5efffec08c3b (0xd0cf5efffec08c3b) ('Error: AF data request fails, status code: 240. MAC transaction expired.') (attempt #3)
7/16/2019, 3:42:57 PM - warn: This can be ignored if the device is working properly
7/16/2019, 3:43:18 PM - info: Device incoming...
7/16/2019, 3:43:18 PM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}'
7/16/2019, 3:44:58 PM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining