Virtual Box and SSH

Hello all,
I just moved from a PI to a virtual box win10 setup… It all went pretty well. As for z wave I just plugged in the AEOTEC 5 stick and all my z wave things just showed up…
A little back story… the sd card on the PI just died… not sure why but it did. So this was a fesh install and needed to have HA running as we are now depend on it for a variety of things, thermo control, garage control and lighting. Anyway long story short the PI was being a little slow but I did like it… Did some reading and I have a Plex server running all the time so why not add HA to it.

To the meat of it… I can not get SSH on the HA to the VM… not sure why… Why do I want it you ask?? Well the AEOTEC z wave flashes blue red yellow… I only know one way to stop it and that is by ssh’ing in and running a command… That’s just one thing :slight_smile:

I have read that to terminal in to the Vm you should be able to use the CMD in win10… I am having zero luck with that…

As you have figured out I am not an expert and HA or linux I just enjoy the tinkering of it all so…

A little help would be great appreciated .