Virtual Buttons (4pcs) for Friends of Hue Switch

I have a couple of Friends of Hue Switches in my house setup and added as integration to Homeassistant and configured using automations and/or templates which works fine.

However I want to virtuall press sometimes one of the four buttons to check if device and entity states for the automation changes or are applied but I am missing a way on how to do this manually from within Hass?

Any hints on how to virtually press any the the 4 switches/buttons of my FoH switches to trigger automations?

You can always try to generate the same event in the dev tools.
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your event developer tools.

But I think that the easiest is to create an helper and put it as an additional trigger of your automation.
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your helper entities.

Therefore, pressing the real button or the helper button will trigger the automation.