Virtual devices or groups from Raspberrymatic


I am just moving all my systems to HA, but ran into a problem with controlling rooms with multiple heatings. In Homematic, I define groups that contain all thermostats (including window contacts etc.). If I want to control all heatings in a room, I just control these groups.

Now, I expected to see these groups in HA, but I do not. From what I read so gar, the groups should be visible.

Can someone help? Am I missing a setting or so?

i have the same problem. Did you get a solution by now?

I have also the same problem. I guess you just can’t do that. You’ll probably have to ungroup them in Rapsberrymatic and add them as single entities to home asssistant. That way you’ll lose the grouping function in Raspberrymatic, but maybe you can grouo them somehow in home assistant.

I have it working, but do not really remember what helped in the end. But I definitely am using Homematic groups, so controlling one element controls all heatings in a room.