Virtual keyboard for Chrome in kiosk mode on Raspberry

I installed hass on raspbian on a PI3+ with a touchscreen. Is there a good tutorial for running Chrome in kiosk mode with a Virtual keyboard?
I tried some apps, like matchbox-keyboard, kvkbd and a Chrome addon called “Virtual keyboard” but none of them works immediately, so, before I spend time in testing one of them I would Like to understand which one is the better working/better tested/better documentated at the moment.
I also saw this topic:

Do you think it’s a good Solution?

Hello @paolod, I am facing the same problem as you. Did you finally get it working?
Thank you!!

Same problem , no solution. Any ideas?

I try to Push this topic, i am looking for this very long. Can’t get “onboard” or “matchbox” to work. Whats your solution?