Hi all,
I’m new to HA… I’m stuck with something probably very easy.
I have Qubino wire-pilot modules (recognized as lamps with dimmer but this is normal and it works). The 6 orders are wired to digital values 20 => Frost protection, 40 => ECO, 255 => Comfort, etc.
I would like to use them in a thermostat but the thermostat only takes the ON / OFF switches.
My question is therefore the following: how to create an ON / OFF “virtual switch” (used in the thermostat) which behaves as ON => 255 (comfort mode) and OFF => 20 (frost protection mode)?
To be perhaps a little clearer: it’s like wanting to change the brightness of a bulb with a virtual two-state switch. Switch OFF => brightness at 20%, switch at ON => brightness at 100%.
Sorry for my bad english. Thx for your help.