Virtual Switch/Notification Icon?

New convert from Hubitat and still navigating my way through this new interface. My goal is to replicate a rule I had in place on the Hubitat Dashboard. I have a z-wave contact sensor installed on my mailbox that when opened between a specific time will turn on (red glow alert) a virtual switch labeled as “Mail” on my dashboard…I would simply tap the screen to turn off the alert when the mail was retrieved to reset it for the next day.

I understand that HA doesn’t have virtual switches? Any ideas how I would accomplish this with HA and lovelace to keep my wife happy? :slight_smile:


You can use an input boolean. An automation can turn the boolean on/off as needed.

This is the closest to a “virtual switch” in the HA environment that I am aware of.

setup an entity button card with the icon as mdi:mail and it will show up on your dashboard as a letter icon that will change color when the boolean is on.

You can even theme the icon so its red when on.

Thanks @silvrr, but wouldn’t the automation just turn back off the icon status when the mailbox is closed being it’s a contact sensor? I guess I need to sit down and figure this Boolean stuff out.

No, a Boolean will keep its state unless something changes it.

You would write an automation to turn it on when the contact sensor goes to an certain (eg. open) state. It would not act on the other (closed) state.

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was this resolved? Im encountering the exact same issue. No idea what to do.