Virus and disease integration

Hello :slight_smile:

With the Corona virus being present, and the integration with that. I was hoping we could expand on that integration. It would be cool if you could track any number of viruses, diseases and infections. Instead of looking at government websites to try and narrow it down. If there was a simple overlay card that had X number of current diseases, infection rates etc in your region. This could also be expanded for topics such as ticks and mosquitoes. Knowing where the most recent cases of H1N1 being present.

Thus making your daily life a little safer knowing what you could potentially venture out to!

There’s this:

Hardly useful to most of the world.

I don’t know, it sounds pretty handy having an automation that orders more toilet paper when a new flu strain comes along. Sounds like a must have :crazy_face:


I think he meant @bachya suggestion because it is only for the US.

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If someone can find a readily available disease API for the rest of the world, I would be happy to attempt an integration.


Why would I need more toilet paper if there is flu in the USA?

WHO has some data, I haven’t looked at how easy it is to use

Sadly I live in the good ol’ north, Canada eh :joy:

But seriously I think it would be really interesting to have, especially considering any flue, lime disease or others.

Initial glance doesn’t look good: they tend to offer data in a variety of CSVs, which aren’t conducive to an integration.

Yeah that is shitty isn’t it!