Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

You’re correct about the telephone line, it’s all through the log file.
As I’ve looked at your log file there’s a bug that I’ve fixed that seems to be specific to your panel so full marks for creating that one :slight_smile: I’ve squashed that bug and uploaded release to github. Apart from the exception it caused, it would mean that the messaging was out of sync for a while so ohter messages might be missed.
Also, in HA go to developer tools, look at the states and filter entities on visonic. Do you see all the panel attributes?

Hi, there’s no received data from the panel so the communication still isn’t working. Are you sure that you have the IP address right, it needs to be on the same network as your house and HA? Can you get a command prompt from where you run HA and ‘ping’ the device?

Pretty sure, as I can see on the device’s web UI that it is receiving ETH data (37 bytes) from HA:

ola@ASUS-K45A : ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.46 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.79 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2.11 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.65 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=1.95 ms
— ping statistics —
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4006ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.652/1.996/2.464/0.281 ms
ola@ASUS-K45A : ~ $

I did find another regular PowerMax user post here:
which indicates what pins are what of the RS-232 connector.

Thanks for your response! In my picture the module is at the very top, connected with black and white wires to the 4 “RS-232” pins just below it.
I checked your linked article, but I am afraid that is about a PowerMax+ and not a “regular” :frowning:

Hi Dave,

Added a magnetic sensor to the panel. Works great, but not showing all information about the sensor details in de binary screen. Missing zone type, sensor type, zone type name, zone name and zone chime. Is this related to the panel being a PowerMaster or is it the same with the PowerMax?

It should work with the powermaster too. The only reason that it wouldn’t I think is that it is a zone number above 30. PowerMax series only have a max of 30 sensors numbered 1 to 30 and I only decode those. Powermaster, I think, has more than that so these must be in a different message that I don’t decode.

Whatever it is, if you turn debug on and send me the logs I’ll take a look. Zip the log file and rename it to a .xml extension to upload it here.

Does this help

Edit: sorry I’m repeating a link from another post, but this is about the original Powermax and not the pro

It looks like, counting left to right, the panel pins are: pin 2 is TX, pin 3 is RX, pin 4 is ground.
So, on the RS232 device you have, you connect pin 2 to RX, pin 3 to TX and pin 4 is ground.
You need to cross over RX and TX.

Hi Dave,

No, the zone number is 02, so that can not be the case.
Attached the log file.
Where do you get your knowledge on how to interpret the Visonic responses. Do you have a link where there information is shared?

hass-log-20190214.xml (1.1 MB)

I almost not dare to say this… since you’ve spent a lot of time on the serial thingie… but i’ve put together some code for a friends visonic powermax complete using a wemos and some arduino code.
It is based on some smartthings code that i altered to connect to mqtt instead.

If you want to have a go you can look at the code here:

It should probably be a matter of flashing your own wemos (d1r2) with this and connect it to your mqtt server.

My friend has been running this as daily driver with his alarm for quite some time now using HA mqtt-alarm and the built-in mqtt server in ha. It’s two-way integration enabling you to collect status from the sensors and arm/disarm using HA.

It’s not very well documented yet, but if anyone shows interest for this i can absolutely spend some minutes and plant a few instruction lines together with the code on git…

the guy that built the original code also added MQTT support in his code, find that project here, not sure if he has two-way support in his mqtt or if he just sends data out.

Has anything changed in the last 24 hours, code wise? I moved over to the binary_sensor coding and as of I think yesterday (approximately 19 hours ago) all of the binary_sensors appear to have disappeared or become undefined.

Attached the log files logs.yaml (193.8 KB)

Are you using the latest version ??
If so then I’m confused as the only switch I create is to do with X10.
If not then can you please update to, try it again and if you still have problems then upload your log file again. Also, make sure you remove custom_components/sensor/ as it is no longer used.

In either case, when you upload you log file can you make sure you have the logger set to show debug for my Component, please see my post a few posts back.


I don’t wish to be mean and discourteous but…

So I appreciate what you’re thinking is here, you’re advertising a plugin for a completely different system (Samsung SmartThings) for a completely different way of connecting to the alarm panel. And in doing so, right in the middle of this forum thread, haven’t done a search for the alternative that you propose on these very forums, see here

I say advertising intentionally, if you check the SmartThings link from your post, there are people selling the necessary hardware.

If you wish to further your discussion on the SmartThings plugin, please do me the courtesy of doing so elsewhere.


I’ve made use that all components have been updated to that in the master branch. Attached is the log file following a reboot. I’ve also ensured that the sensor/ file has been removed.
I’m on 0.87.1

logs.yaml (159.1 KB)

Hi Hombre,

I’ve had a look through your log file and it is indeed now enrolling the sensor as Zone 2. That’s really good to see. I also see that when your panel tells me that it’s enrolled it also sets the zone tamper status, is that something you would expect?

The state of Z02 in the log file is
<state binary_sensor.visonic_z02=off;
device name=Z02,
friendly_name=Garagedeur voorzijde,
zone type name=Perimeter-Follow,
zone tamper=Yes,
device tamper=No,
visonic device=2,
zone open=No,
zone name=Garage,
zone type=8,
zone chime=Off,
sensor type=UNKNOWN 41,

Although this goes away eventually and is set to No.

The sensor type is set to UNKNOWN 41 as I don’t know what sensor type 41 is. What is the visonic model number of the sensor please and I can add it to my code. Also what type of sensor is it i.e motion, magnet etc. (although if you give me the model number then I can look it up)

Can you check this please. Go in to HA and in to “Configuration”, in “developer tools” select the states “<>” and filter on visonic. Do you see the correct data?

I also see however that you’re still getting the telephone trouble status and I don’t know why, sorry.

I got most of it from the Domotica forums here

Most of it is to do with the Powermax series though so the Powermaster decoding is quite immature in comparison.

OK, I’ve had a look at your log file and you have the problem that I can’t immediatelly resolve. Sometimes the panel just keeps sending a single status message out over and over again.

When the panel does this I’ve tried sending the initialisation commands to it, soft reset commands etc and the panel just ignores them and carries on regardless. What you’re seeing is the effect of this in HA, you get some zone information through but not a lot else. Sorry I can’t be any more help, I can only suggest you leave it alone for a while and go back to it later to try again. I’ll keep searching the internet to see if any other Visonic components for other systems have a solution.

no worries. First time it’s done this to me. I’ll leave it for now and do a reset tomorrow morning and come back with an update then.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the reply.
The information about the sensor is now in the binary overview and in the states overview… Maybe it needed some more time.
The telephone line is not connected, so a valid warning.
I intend to use the Powermaster for detecting open/close/movement, to act on it in HA. Later on I will use it also as burglar alarm.
The unknow sensor type is a MC-302V magnet (

Very indepth information at the domotica forum. Will have a good look at it to see if I can analyze my own data😁


I’ve had it running here overnight and have updated the version on Github to I’ve added the sensor type for the Powermaster so you should get the “magnet” binary sensor in HA instead of the generic one (although you can customise this in HA anyway).

Yeah it is quite in depth. As I don’t have a Powermaster, if you work anything out then let me know and we can add it in to the Component.

I went back to first principles and striped out the component and re-installed. I’ve rebooted the alarm and everything seems to be back, except the switch which allows you to display the alarm panel properties. Attached the log file following a reboot.logs.yaml (165.3 KB)

I’ve checked and there is no switch.visonic_alarm_panel defined. Any thoughts?

Oh that’s good, I had a cursory look at the log file and it looks OK, no problems.

Ah yes, that’s the breaking change for version onwards. I removed the switch and placed all its attributes in the alarm control itself, see “alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm”. The only switches created are for X10 devices. The old switch didn’t do anything anyway, it was just a placeholder for the attributes.
I do say this on the Github page, you must have missed it, I hope it goes well.