I’m very sorry I had just reallized the last two bloks of tests were made in version v0.3.3.6, how stupid i’m so sorry .
I have to re-run both v0.3.3.7 and v0.3.3.8.
Hi all,
I think i’ve read all related post for DevRebelo issue but i may have missed one so let’s share that thought, i don’t think it has been discussed yet:
DevRebelo, what about your panel configuration, do you have multiple partitions enabled ?
Doesn’t Visonix Powermax module assume to work only with mono partitions(default config) panels ? Could it explained that unknown 0x22 message from the panel ?
I deal battery reporting for all visonic sensors in my adaptive tricky card.
I use it since few months now, it’s stable just awsome and perfect for my personnal use.
Orange shield is contextually shown for each open/triggered zone (could be filtered to a smaller list of sensor), it allow me to bypass that sensor for arming the panel despite the open zone.
(The 3rd floor of my house doesn’t represent risk at night so i can leave windows open on summer time and still arm the alarm for all other zones)
Grey shield is contextually shown for listing all bypassed zones, a click on it and the zone is re-enabled in alarm supervision.
Red Battery icon only appears in card for each visonic sensor that get a 0 battery level. A click on the icon put the zone in bypass mode.
Not sure if low battery on a zone can put the panel in trouble mode and prevent it to be armed but if so i’ll have a way to easily bypass the zone and some latitude on the battery replacement delay)
By the way Dave, my implementation of bypassing individual zone in UI makes that bullet point obselte in your doc :
You cannot bypass / arm individual sensors using the HA interface. I can do it, I just don’t know how to interface to it from within HA.
I’ve posted my config here in August [post 534] but since then :
my contribution on MonsterCard plugin has been merged in the official project so no need to install it from my repo but just do it from HACS.
i’ve refactored few things to makes it more maintainable, mainly by switching my Lovelace to the yaml mode so i can include files in views and card. It’s more digest when using horizontal and vertical card
Low battery section was added
CSS tuning for some boders supression, better icons selection and other tweaks for giving impression it’s a native whole card
I can share my new card config for those who would be interested but it could run only in lovelace yaml mode. Otherwise just compose with my previous config:
Hi, I’ve changed the readme for the next time I upload a release, thankyou.
I don’t think that the original Powermax panel could have multiple partitions, anyone else know for sure?
I’m beginning to think that the original Powermax has a similar but very different message protocol, there are some messages that are the same but some are not.
Looks great, I’ll take a more detailed look when I get some time.
OK that’s good, that’s a little progress. It seems to be downloading the EPROM and at least getting some (most?) information correct about your sensors.
The test.py that you ran and uploaded the output to pastebin tells me that your panel doesn’t like having the time set. Everything before this line (below) was as I would expect.
I have uploaded version to Github, please can you try it.
Note that I have modified the test.py and pyvisonic.py files so you do not need to make any code changes. Please do not change any code for this test.
Run it from your windows PC as per normal and upload the output please.
Just for your information, when run from the command line using test.py, this version:
Does not set the time (let’s see what happens)
Does not try to get to powerlink. It gets the EPROM and stays in “Standard Plus” mode.
Sends a “get status” to the panel and waits to see if we’re getting sensor states. This is important, if we don’t get sensor states then there’s no point in doing anything else.
Thankyou for that, I have a question for you. Hopefully I can explain…
Last time the panel didn’t like the “set time” sequence so I missed that out and went for a “get status” instead. However, it didn’t do it straight away and sent an “I’m alive” to the panel which the panel didn’t like.
0:00:46.889324 < 1541> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Sending Command (Exit) raw data 0d 0f f0 0a waiting for message response []
0:00:46.890322 < 1543> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Command has a wait time after transmission 1.5
0:00:46.902320 < 2362> DEBUG [handle_msgtype02] Ack Received data =
0:01:11.062806 < 1604> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Resetting expected response counter, it got to 25 Response list before 0 after 1
0:01:11.063684 < 1541> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Sending Command (I'm Alive Message To Panel) raw data 0d ab 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 0e 0a waiting for message response ['0X2']
0:01:21.062873 < 1216> DEBUG [Controller] ****************************** Response Timer Expired ********************************
0:01:21.063454 < 1616> DEBUG [ClearList] Setting queue empty
0:01:21.064458 < 1604> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Resetting expected response counter, it got to 0 Response list before 0 after 2
0:01:21.064458 < 1541> DEBUG [pmSendPdu] Sending Command (Getting Status) raw data 0d a2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 1a 0a waiting for message response ['0XA5', '0X2']
In the sequence above, lines 1, 2 and 3 send an “exit” which should exit download
Can you check the display on your panel, when you get to this time in the dos window on your PC after time 0:00:46.9 does the panel display show “downloading” (“Processando”) or does it change to it’s normal “Ready”?
When we send this on line 5 above “Sending Command (I’m Alive Message To Panel)” we should get back an acknowledge from the panel but we don’t so this is where it goes wrong. This is similar to last time but with the “set time”.
So I’ve uploaded just for you really, I’ve replaced the “I’m Alive” message with “Get Status” and we’ll see what happens.
Can you run it again as before, from your windows PC and upload to pastebin again. You will not need to edit any python files.
David, just a bit more explanation so you know what’s going on…
I am trying to get the panel to interact and tell me the state of the sensors. I am trying to get the basic communication going, nothing complex, this is really the simplest level of communication. When I send a “Get Status” to the panel, then it should respond with an acknowledge and a series of “A5” messages telling me the state of the sensors and the panel. I have to be honest here, if it doesn’t do this then we’re stuck as I cannot find any other information about it on the internet after lots of searching.
Also, I have had a go with the Visonic PRP and all I can get it to do is to upload and download the EPROM data. I don’t seem to be able to get the “live” sensor state from the panel or any actual “live” data. Can anyone else? It is possible that the Visonic PRP is only made to do this, to upload and download the EPROM and nothing else. So we may not be able to use the Visonic PRP for anything to help us. It is also possible that all your Powermax panel can do is this upload and download function and nothing else, it may refuse all other interactions.
I’m willing to keep trying for as long as we can, as long as you can run things to test them. Let’s see how far we get but we are just experimenting at the moment. What we’ve found so far (being able to download some of the EPROM) doesn’t mean we can get the “live” sensor and panel data.
Sorry I had read your problem too quickly. I thought it was the list of sensors that did not go back to the panel.
If i understand, blocking point is more the non-transmission / protocol incompatibility of events on the serial port on the panel.
Original PowerMax documentation does not mention PowerLink compatibility, communications on this old model seems to be centrale/dialing oriented.
Pages 11-12 describe specific reporting options.
On page 12 - Section 6.8 Report Format says :
Here you select the reporting format used by the control panel to report events to central stations. The options are: Contact-ID - SIA - 4/2 1900/1400 - 4/2 1800/2300 (for code lists - see Appendix A).
I would suggest you to check that Section 6.8 Report Format is set to 4/2 1800/2300 as it’s linked to the event code list in Appendix A on pages 20-21. This protocol seems to looks like more what Dave’s module expect.
Could still have protocol difference with the Pro model (and we’re still not sure events do are transmited on serial line, doesn’t it ? )