Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

Thanks for that dave.

I think you could be right… I dont think a real powerlink 3 does anything with this information. It didn’t send any info to the visonic app when motion was detected or to the visonic powermanage server. The only info it seemed to send was door/ window events.

So maybe we already have it the best it can be.

Will give it a test tonight with the ‘motion_off’ being set to something different and will post an update.


I’m wondering if this would work with a powermaster 360r? Did a search but couldn’t find anything. It is currently connected with ethernet, but I’m guessing I still have to modify it?

Apologies if I’m treading on well-worn ground.

Have you considered if the data are indicating a state change, versus sending a full set of state information?

Edit: Not that it give us any more insight, but shouldn’t these…

04 00000100
08 00001000 
11 00010001
15 00010101

…be these?

04 00000100
08 00001000 
11 00001011
15 00001111



I’ve tried some diffrent settings now, and got a new log. It kick into standard mode rally fast, but then this time it eventually reaches PM mode. (I did a full 10 minute powerdown of the alarm before getting to this point.) Since i changed alot during this test i cant say for sure what solved it, but im putting my money on powerdown. :slight_smile:

Can you take a look at the start of my log and see why ot spits out standard so fast. The alarm goes into downloadmode on the panel, and beeps when you exit to standard mode.

Ah yes but would it send PIR motion detection if you had changed the panel settings for the PIRs

OK, I’ll keep looking at your logs to see if I can spot a pattern with the B0 messages. It’s difficult when I can’t test things myself. If I had a PowerMaster I could try things really quickly and try to work things out. Let me see what I can work out and I might create a test build just for you to try with everything in I can think of :smile:

I think, but i’m not 100% sure of the following…
A Powermaster360r already has the capability built in that a powerlink3 provides, it might come with a powerlink3 hardware already inside. A Powerlink3 has to connect to a PowerManage server and nothing else. I had a quick look at the 360r installer guide and it mentions powerlink3 and “Broadband Module”. It still looks like an RS232 interface between the panel and the Broadband Module. You would probably need to remove this Broadband module and connect one of the IP to RS232 gadgets that we use with this component. Having said all that, it’s probably that you’re on your own as you’d be the first to do this :slight_smile:

I can’t find a picture of the inside of the 360r, could you take a couple of photos and upload them here please and we’d be more help :smile: That’s if you can get inside, I’m not sure.

Having said that, if you’re happy with using the Visonic PowerManage servers then keep doing so. I’m just saying that we may be able to help connect it to Home Assistant.

Hi Rob, sorry but we’re using hexadecimal notation

Damn. You did say that in the post. The senior moments are getting closer together.

I’ve uploaded version just for you to try. If should fix the battery status not coming through and also has a few extra log file entries so I can try to see what’s going on.

The log file confuses me. On line:

  • 36, 37 Ask the panel to download the EPROM.
  • 40 to 42 we receive handle_msgtype3C This tells us the panel type and model number.
  • I am then expecting my Component to request the EPROM data (a sequence of requests) but my Component doesn’t do this - I don’t know why, there are extra log file outputs in :slight_smile:
  • 47, instead my Component sits there doing nothing until line 47 when the panel sends a timeout meaning that I put it in download mode and didn’t ask for anything.
  • 45, back on line 45 the panel sends a B0 message and I process it. Maybe I shouldn’t do this in download mode so I’ve stopped it doing this in
  • 48 After the timeout occurs I put my component in Standard Mode but I also on line 49…
  • 49 set my Component up to perform download again in 90 seconds time. This is a fixed time in my Component. The problem is this doesn’t happen for 7 minutes :frowning: on line 840. I have log file entries in to hopefully help me with this.

Can you please update to and upload another log file.

Wohh…now it flew into PL mode… Something you did was good!
Haven’t tested multiple shutdowns and reboots, but i thought you might wanna see the result of your efforts.

From a frontend point of view no nothing is displayed server end to show motion is detected, even with disarm activity switched on. Weather it does know in the backend somewhere is another question.

I will attach another log left it running for about 30mins. It doesn’t seem to matter what I set “motion_off” to, it still has around 45-60sec delay and only half the motion are getting picked up. Yes definitely don’t mind testing.

I will also add into the folder some pictures of the PM360r that I have lying around. I do notice it has its own micro usb connection and memory card slot.

Looking at that log it’s pretty much perfect. The only question I have about that log file is did you exit installer mode on the panel (line 549 to 553).

But the biggest question is as you hinted at, is it repeatable? Can you restart HA and does it do the same?

That looks like there isn’t an RS232 connection so a PM360r probably can’t be used with this component, sorry.

After being set into download mode by your program, then exiting that mode, my alarm “beeps”.
Same thing happens in this log at line 480 and 508

I restarted HA 4 times, with different timings, and fiddeling with the panel inbetween. It seems to behave the same all the time.

Now let’s see if it stands the test of time. Off to bed…natti natti!

Hi Dave,

I just updated to to try the XML generation. Apparently, the xml file doesn’t capture the column headers or the first 5 columns of content. The csv file, however, looks good.

Here’s the RSS rendering:

Ok :frowning: thanks @davesmeghead @cjones813

@mbuffat, without flashing anything it was more to test telnet connection to your powerlink and see if something could be extracted from that binary /misc/wc-pxa255/binaries/cli.
Anyway i think @davesmeghead’s powermax integration already implements most, to not say all, the powerlink 1&2 to panel serial protocole.
PS: Switching from Jeedom to HA is a good move, i’ve never regretted it yet.

@davesmeghead I have a small “problem” with this component.
When I shut down home assistant for various reasons (updating stuff, changing config etc) my powermaster panel starts to beep with a regular interval. It continues to beep forever until I start home assistant again and the connection is established.
I guess it beeps because it looses “powerlink” but no error is showed on the panel.
Is it possible to somehow disable this behavior?

My wife went crazy a few days ago when my NAS where HA is installed crashed, the panel beeped for the entire day until I got the NAS replaced.

I’ve looked through my logs and the state values are quite different, and as time goes on, the “Before” states change over longer intervals. I’ve seen 9 different values over an interval of 24 hours, and that’s on a single senor. I’m guessing these changes could be some sort of PRN sequence to thwart spoofing (playback of data).

I suppose you could make a specific log type to keep track and see how the states evolve over time and if they survive power resets. Even if you could figure out the sequence and the expected “After” state, it could be of limited value unless you have the crown jewels in the closet. Of course, I could be wrong about all this.

Yes, I think so.

I’m not sure as mine doesn’t beep, it comes up with “BAA Comms Failure” on the panel.
If you enter and then exit installer mode it might clear the failure.

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