Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

Rob, those are the paths I’ve been using all along. Here are screenshots (hopefully they will upload this time)

HACS version up to date

Search using the ⊕, not installed search!

Going in via HA, currently running version 0.117.4. Again search using the ⊕, not installed search!

As I say, Visonic ain’t there!

What kind of HA installation do you have? Go to Supervosor > System and look at the System Metrics. Have you run out of disk space? Has Supervisor been updated to the latest version?

Did you try to install the Visonic integration with HACS? If so have you checked your logs? You should see this line when you restart HA.

2020-11-06 18:57:24 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for visonic which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.

If you don’t see an entry for Visonic in the Integration UI, check for alarm entities in Developer Tools > States. If none are there, I don’t know what to tell you other than see if there are entries in your configuration.yaml file that might be preventing the UI from working. Try saving the visonic entries in your configuration file in a temporary file, clear them out and try to reintegrate it manually. Or clear out any vestiges of old Visonic files in your CONFIG directory, restart HA, and see if the UI has populated it in the integration list. If all else fails, you might need to wait for Dave or someone else to provide some better guidance.

I have uploaded a new release to Github, release

This release is a *** Breaking change *** … but everything you see and do should stay the same :slight_smile:

I am working towards submitting the integration into HA. This is the 1st step, I have separated the panel interaction codebase in to a pypi library called pyvisonic. There is a manifest change so HA should automatically retrieve and install this library for you. So you should not see any difference to the previous release. I will update the wiki accordingly as time permits.
In the “developer tools”, “states” you should see “Protocol Version: 1.0.2” like this


I have also added access permission checking to the 5 visonic services within HA. When one of the 5 “visonic.XXX” services are called it checks that the user has permission to make the changes in the call. You set these user permissions on the entities themselves in the HA frontend.
For example, if you use the service “visonic.alarm_sensor_bypass” with entity_id “binary_sensor.visonic_z02”, it checks that the current user has permission to do that i.e. control permission.
EDIT: I Should have said that permissions is an experimental feature that is not enabled or enforced yet in HA, see here.

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Hi @wizz
Just to clarify, this PIN has nothing to do with your panel.
It is used by the google_assistant integration to integrate with “secure devices”
Meaning this PIN can be different from your panel PIN and is only needed for google_assistant to be able to arm alarms/lock locks etc.
So go ahead and set this PIN to whatever you want to use with voice commands and keep your panel PIN more secure without shouting it out.
It´s easy to just change the google assistant secure PIN randomly than having to reprogram the PIN in your panel.

Best regards

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I just got PowerMaster 10 alarm system.
This topic is really long and i cannot find any proper info for me - is there any integration for it available somewhere, so i can read?
I saw two methods - RS and ethernet with Powerlink module, which one is better? I’d rather use ethernet if thats possible of course.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I’m not lazy, just can’t find any good info out here :frowning:

Have you read the wiki here?

You do not need to buy the powerlink hardware module, you need to buy a simple £5 ($5) device to interface between the panel and ethernet. As I said, check out the wiki first and if you have questions then ask them in this forum :slight_smile:

Thanks, i’ve found this topic only, i haven’t seen your wiki before!
So, i’ll need some rs-ttl to ethernet converter then. Some of links provided in wiki are dead, but i can manage to find current ones i hope.

Hey Dave

Been using your integration happily for quite a while now. I have noticed recently that after a few minutes of the integration running now, all of my binary sensors for the zones go unavailable. Restarting the integration they come back for a bit, then the same happens again.

Board is in powerlink mode. Wondered if you had any ideas to help me debug.

The only way I can help is for you to set your logger settings to capture the debug data in the log file (as per the wiki) and for you to upload it to pastebin (or another similar site) and put a link to it in this thread (or PM me with a link).

What version are you using, if it is then set the logger like this instead as pyvisonic is now a pypi library.

  default: critical
    custom_components.visonic: debug
    pyvisonic: debug
    custom_components.visonic.alarm_control_panel: debug
    custom_components.visonic.binary_sensor: debug
    custom_components.visonic.switch: debug
    custom_components.visonic.client: debug
    custom_components.visonic.config_flow: debug
    custom_components.visonic.create_schema: debug
    custom_components.visonic.__init__: debug


HI Dave

Really appreciate the help. It looks like it is disconnecting due to an error. Just can’t quite work out why -

I am still running I saw the phrase “breaking change” and my ops head thought “i’ll give that a couple of weeks” :smiley:

I have a similair issue, but instead of minutes it takes days before it happen. I do not have any exact time perspective, and it does not seems to happen the same time everytime. Sometimes it happens after a few days, sometimes after some weeks.

Since I have a old RPi running HASS, and since I have a wifi connection between the alarm and the RPi, have I been thinking that there is too much potential external sources of error, and since it would be hard to keep several days of debug logs, have I therefor not reported it here.


There are 2 problems

  1. It looks like the connection to the panel has been interrupted. At line 613 in the log file, the integration loses the TCP connection to the panel and instigates a restart of the integration to attempt to recover.
  2. There is a bug in that does not recover the sensors correctly after a restart, this is fixed in release

Number 1 is your main problem, are you connected using wifi as that’s been a major cause of peoples problems in the past. This is especially the case as the panel contains an aerial for the wireless sensors themselves and although they are different frequency to wifi it may be causing problems. If you’re using wifi then can you try a wired connection temporarily. is kind of a breaking change but not really, you will not need to update automations etc etc. What it has done is make a pypi library that HA should automatically download and install when the integration is first set up. So when is installed (unzipped in the custom_components folder as per normal) you will likely need to delete and then create the integration from the integrations page. This should force HA to get the pypi library. If it doesn’t then get a command line in your HA set up and type this

pip install pyvisonic==1.0.2

Could be a similar problem with wifi.

EDIT: And another thing. If there is a disconnection and an attempt to reconnect, there is an attribute of alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm Entity called Exception Count that gets incremented each time. It starts at 0. Go to “Developer Tools”, “States” and find the alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm Entity. It’s near the bottom of the attribute list on mine.

Hi Dave,

I deleted my old files and unzipped the in the same place then rebooted HA (Docker on Synology NAS)
I did not recreate the integration and did not install pyvisonic==1.0.2 manually.
It seems it works anyway.
Do you know how I can really verify that I have pyvisonic installed?

Maybe rebooting HA it recognises that it needs to get the pypi library.

Open up a terminal from within the container on synology and at the command prompt type
pip freeze

This will give you a long list of all the python libraries that are installed. Scroll up and you should spot pyvisonic in that list.

I’m just pleased that it works, thank’s for letting me know.

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Thank you, it seems it did everything automatically and I have verified with pip freeze that pyvisonic==1.0.2 is installed :smile:
I replaced the old version of your component with while running Home Assistant 0.117.5 if that is of any interest.

Best regards

Humm, calling for a little help here. I’ve been using this component and it has been working flawlessly for the most part.

I recently updated HACS and HA to the latest versions, and updated the Visonic component using the “master” branch (which I believe is But the zones were not loading correctly and were showing as unavailable. So I did the usual things i’ve done in the past, such as restarting HA, or reinstalling the component over the top and restarted which has always settled things in the past. But I’ve had no joy this time.

So I decided to start from scratch, I uninstalled the Visonic component, and made sure the visonic folder was no longer in the custom_components folder. After another restart I confirmed that there was no sign of Vison in either my HA Integrations section, nor in my HACS Integrations section.

My steps to install -

  1. Go to: HACS > Integrations > 3-dots > Custom Repositories > pasted in the repository URL: and chose the subject Integration and then click on the Install link.
  2. Restarted HA
  3. " Visonic Alarm Panel for Home Assistant" is now listed in my installed repositories (see image ‘a’)
  4. Go to: Configuration > Integrations > Add Integration and I search for “visonic”

…but the component is not listed (see image ‘b’). So now I can’t install it? What am I doing wrong? I’m sure this is how I installed it last time.

Any help please?

a) repo installed

b) cannot find component

First of all I’m not a HACS user so this may be wrong but…
I’m sure I read somewhere that adding a repository to HACS doesn’t actually install the integration(s) themselves. All you have done is told HACS about the Github repository. Is there a HACS option to “install” the integration.
I assume that HACS is a user friendly way of putting the integration in to custom_components. Please look in your config directory, there should be a custom_components directory. Go in to that directory and there should be a “visonic” directory.
Take a look and tell us what you seein the directory structure please

Just as @davesmeghead mentions you have to install the integration from HACS first. Adding the repo does not install it.
Go to: HACS - > Integrations -> Search for “Visonic” and click install. (Not the “+” sign at the bottom, just search at the top.)
Then reboot HA :slight_smile:

Thanks @davesmeghead and @rodak

After adding the repository to HACS, I had already “installed” the integration too. The “custom_components” directory had the “visonic” directory and all of its contents within. So I cant see what’s wrong.

However, this morning, I have gone back to HACS, and reinstalled the integration, however this morning I had the option to select “” whereas yesterday, the latest version to select was “”, so I had to previously choose “master” as I believed this was probably the not yet committed version branch.

Once installed, I navigated to HA Integrations and searched for “visonic” and found it! It’s now installed and working and I’m back in business. But something changed overnight for sure (i’m not going mad) :smiley:

Yeah, that was me. I went on to Github and made a HACS release :slight_smile: