Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

The first error indicates a problem with the python create_connection asyncio function,
There are 2 possibilities:

  • It looks like you are using python 3.7 and the minimum for Home Assistant use is 3.8
  • If you do have python version 3.8 then I think that you either have the IP address wrong or you have the port set wrong.

Check the version of python first :slight_smile:

Effectively my version of python is 3.7.3.
I will try to update it.
Thank you

Thanks I have tried with Event 11 and PanelReady == False and it seems to behave like I want.
I suppose I can ignore Reason 0 as condition, as if I got Event 11 for other reasons, I want to be notified as well !
However why should I test for Command not equal to Disarm ?
Event 11 means that I have send an arm/disarm command, so why should I test this command ?

Thanks a lot !

It just depends on what you want and I have tried to create the event data so it is flexible. I assumed that you wanted a notification as to why the panel will not arm in which case the panel is already in the disarmed state. So the command would not equal to “disarm”,
When Reason is not equal to 0 then the arm/disarm/stay command has not been sent to the panel and there is something else wrong (and PanelReady may be True). You might want a different notification for this.
Like I said, it just depends on what you want to do and if you’re happy then that’s OK


Thanks for your answer, unfortunately is the password wrong Visonic must have been change it.

I will give it a try to get it connected today again but i just wanna know i got everything to get it connected.

I have this cable:

Panel HW Version : PowerMaster-10
Panel SW Version: JS703293 I19.412
EEPROM Version: 7.153

Today its connected to a Tyco Powermanage server with a Plink 3, do i need to edit any configuration before i connect the debug cable? Activate anything or turn off anything? Today it stand connection way 1 is Broadband.

Should i just connect the debug cable to the pins where my plink 3 modul today is connected?
Do i have to restart the panel after or just left installation menu?

Black: GND goes to any GND
White: TXD goes to RX
Green: RXD goes to TX
Red: +5V Goes to 3.75V?

Is this right?
Do i need something to get the volt from 5v to 3.75?

I also got the drivers for the cable so it looks good in Windows.

If i only got answer on the questions i feel good to go and think i will make it :slight_smile:

As you seem to have panel firmware version 19 then I believe that the baud rate should be set to 38400 as described on my wiki page here. Note that I have not personally verified this, this is information provided by other users.

If you have the Visonic Powerlink hardware module then you will need to remove it.

No need to restart the panel. Enter installer mode on the panel and then exit it, this does a “system reset” on the panel but you do not lose panel settings or sensors.

When using that USB cable, I would assume that the device that you connect the USB end would provide 5 volts, the panel is already providing 3.75 volts.
Therefore, DO NOT CONNECT THE RED CABLE. Only connect 3 wires for Gnd, Rx and Tx.

Thank you so much for the reply!

I have edit in windows so the USB baud rate is 38400 and also edit when i install the integration i took 38400 as baud rate is that right?

Also on the pins have i put like this:

- Empty -Black -Green -White -Empty

And it stand on the website i bought the cable like this:
Red: +5V
Black: GND
White: TXD
Green: RXD

As i can see on the photos TX is the 3 pin from the left and Green should be there right?
And RX is the 4 pin from the left then White should be there?
Black did i put on the 2 pin from the left.

Home assistant telling me “Failed to connect into Visonic Alarm. Check Settings.” right after i finish the intregration. I have 5650 as download code and i have confirm that in the central.

Sorry for all these stupid questions but I just want to make sure I’m right from the start before I troubleshoot deeper.

By password I assume you mean the Download code?
You do not need to use the user or installer codes from your panel with Home Assistant (HA).
The integration should connect and get to “Standard” mode in HA without using the download code.

I think so yes. I assume that you:

  • Have installed the Windows XP/Vista/7/8 or MacOS X PL2303HX.D drivers on your computer
  • Must be able to set the baud rate in the driver somehow, I’m not sure if this uses the setting from Home Assistant or not as I don’t have experience of the hardware / cable that you are using.
  • Have set the other settings correctly i.e. the RS232 setup is to disable control flow i.e CTS/RTS, no parity and 1 stop bit.
  • Are using the correct COM port on your PC

As far as I can tell yes, if it were my panel that’s what I would do and I assume that a PowerMaster is the same.

Can you tell me what else is in the log file, without it I cannot help you much more. e.g. Does it say “Setting USB Options”?
You need to set the logger settings like this

The download code is not important yet. When you get it connected and interacting with the panel (“Standard Mode”) then the download code is used to get to “Standard Plus” and then hopefully “Powerlink” mode.

Sorry if I was unclear, I was referring to the password for Visonic remote programs rar file.

Yes everything is right there.

I changed the USB socket and changed the TX / RX cables and checked that the home assistant found my usb which it did.

Installed the integration again without filling in the download code or checking anything.

After this I see that all my sections jump up as they should and then I go into the integration and check in so I can alarm on / off etc. via home assistant.

Everything looks and works as it should now! :slight_smile: thanks so much for your help.

I have make a automation so i get a notice every time the alarm changes position and goes into alarm mode, do you have any tips on something else I can do? Can I include which section alarms in the notice? Can I get another sound in the notice if the alarm goes off?

Anything else fun you can suggest?

Hi @davesmeghead

You really are a good guy, not only producing a great component, but supporting everyone for years on end. Thank you so much.

I am experiencing issues with the integration and it is a strike of luck if everything works after a restart of HA. As you can imagine, HA can require a lot of reboots if you’re a tinkerer, and adding, or adjusting the configuration.yaml.

Note: I am aware that there is a “spam” limit of some kind which prevents things from working if the component is restarted too many times in a short space of time. I’m not sure what that frequency is, but I am aware of it, hence why my reattempts are only tried a few times and then the next reattempt is hours apart.

I feel it is a timing issue in order for this component to work every time, but cannot explain what the silver bullet is in order to get it to work every time. So my frustrated experience at the moment is, although I might get it working, it’ll probably stay that way for a week until I restart HA for one reason or another. Then the visonic component integration breaks again.

Version Info:

HA Version: 0.118.5
Type: Home Assistant Supervised
Supervisor Version: 2020.12.6
Python Version: 3.8.6
Docker Version: 19.03.14
Healthy: True
HACS version: 1.8.0
Visonic Component Version:

9 times out of 10, when I restart I get the notification

  • Visonic Panel Setup
    Failed to connect into Visonic Alarm. Check Settings.

I am using the newer log configuration that includes the new library logs, and I have added them to the following paste site (pastebin said my paste was too big :frowning:) :

I hope I have provided enough info for you to have a look and help me out. If you need any other information let me know.


Sods law, I tried one last thing and I’ve got it to work (for now), but no idea if this will survive a restart (whenever I next decide to do that). For the record, I navigated to the alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm entity and deleted it, then reinstalled the branch of the component, then restarted HA. And magic, it’s all working. I don’t know if that was a fluke or if it was the delete and reinstall that did the trick? Who knows? I’ve attached the log from HA while it is in a working state if its any help for comparing with the broken state: - The internet clipboard (oops, see UPDATE 2…)

My alarm panel just started it’s TRBL beep at me, arghh, I didn’t even restart HA. So it would seem that after about 1 minute, the connection or communication (or something stopped working). BUT… The entities and device in HA are not reporting any problems, and it’s showing everything okay. I’m totally confused, but I’m going to have to restart HA now because my alarm panel will continue it’s warning beeps every minute otherwise.

…I decided not to restart, but instead I called the service: visonic.alarm_panel_reconnect and law and behold, after a few seconds or so, all the entities were showing as not available :frowning: . So here goes another restart…

After the reboot, I’m back to square - not working! I’ll try again in a couple hours because I might have “spammed” myself out.

I tried @pocket 's suggestion, and also did a scan of my logs using the recommended commands, and found no errors or disconnected messages. But I went ahead and uninstalled brltty from my server, and rebooted the server. I also removed, restarted, and reinstalled and restarted the visonic component, and first time… everything is working fine. So… I still cannot be confident what fixed it, so was this the silver bullet? Who knows… I guess I won’t find out until the next restart I guess?

Thanks for allowing me to spill my findings on this post, I hope I never bored you all :slight_smile:

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This could be related…or not. It’s associated with migrating my HA installation from Ubuntu to Debian in order to use a supported Supervised configuration.

After installing Debian and HA and restoring a snapshot backup, I found the Visonic integration was not working. I had tried to configure the serial port without any luck at all. After hours of frustration, I looked at some activity using the ‘dmesg’ command; I could see the USB-to-serial device was being disconnected. Looking at some online resources, I found there were issues with a utility called ‘brltty’ used for braille devices. The process appeared to be running. Removing it restored communication with the alarm panel.

Here are the CLI commands I used:

sudo apt-get remove brltty
sudo apt autoremove

The second command removes a few dependency files that are no longer needed. After a reboot and reintegration of the Visonic component with the proper port, all was working again.

Thanks @pocket - that’s very random, but worth a shot. I’m going to give it an hour or so cause I think I’ve probably hit that “spam” threshold now.

Interestingly, could you let me know what dmesg command you ran, and when, and what sort of output was you seeing that made you curious?

I’ll let you know how I get on.

The commands I used were these (from memory):

sudo dmesg | more
sudo dmesg | grep tty
sudo dmesg | grep USB

Unfortunately, I can’t recreate the one that looked suspicious. I think it might’ve said ‘disconnected.’

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I went back through your posts and see you’re using a WiFi Ethernet connection. Is this correct? If so, I’m guessing the removal of brltty had nothing to do with your issues. Looking at the documentation, most of the braille devices use a serial port.

Hi @davesmeghead

First of all, very good integration!! in powerlink mode it has everything, so awesome! Congratulations for your work

I have all set up, I connect in powerlink mode via a RS232-Ethernet module and see the status of all my PIRs but I can not arm or disarm. In the log this is appearing every time I try to arm:

[custom_components.visonic.pyvisonic] [RequestArm] Panel Access Not allowed, user settings prevent access

What user settings should I change?? I have a PowerMaster 30 but in the installer manual I have not seen anything but it is easy that I have missed it.

Wonderful I success to integrate my alarm. Thank you. The only problem is that I can disarm without the code in the interface. That’s not cool. An idea ?

Just to let you know that I’m still looking through your log files but I’ve been busy with familly and work stuff as well, sorry.

If you check out the wiki here for the config settings, have you tried going in to the integration “options” and ticking either/both of these

At the moment every logged in HA user gets the same interface so you cannot have different setups for different HA users i.e. a panel next to your front door with a keypad interface and your mobile phone without the keypad. I suggest that you look through the above options as well and decide if you want to allow disarm at all (and if not then untick the user setting box. If you do want to allow disarm then look at this table for the combination that you want. This is copied from the wiki

For further info see the wiki (and some help how to use the table)

EDIT: From what you say you want I suggest you try setting “Arm Without User code” and “Force use of keypad”. Edit the integration options and you should see these settings.

Thank you, @davesmeghead ! I missed the two checkboxes, now it arms and disarms flawlessly.

For anyone considering a migration to Debian, I’d like to update the information I posted here nearly a week ago. It is specific to the use of USB devices for communicating with the alarm panel. It seems Debian looks at attached devices during installation. As a result, the braille software, brltty, is installed which interferes with the Visonic integration. The cleanest way of preventing this is to disconnect the USB-to-serial cable prior to installing Debian.

Also, be aware there is an active alert regarding the version of Docker to use when installing HA.

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It doesn’t work but it’s not very problematic.

I have a bigger problem. Everything works fine but after a time the connextion is lost (state : unknown) and i have to do this procedure to reconnect :

(*) Full Restart Sequence for Powerlink:

* Stop HA
* Restart the panel: Restart your Visonic panel by going in to and out of installer mode. Do not do any panel resets, the act of exiting installer mode is enough.
* Wait for a couple of minutes for the panel to restart
* Start HA.

Every 5-6 hours and necessarly at home for reconnect, that’s not cool. It’s the same problème if i turn off and turn on the alarme.

My alarm is Powermax+ with the connect mode powerlink mode.

Can you help me for resolve this problem ?