Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

You do not need to flash it with software.

As was said, if your device has configured as through DHCP?, in a web browser on your local network type

That should show you the webserver inside the device. From here you configure the port for the ethernet side and the RS232 connection parameters (as per the wiki).

For the ethernet port, choose a high number such as 10033. It should be higher than 1024 then it is outside the predefined range (and less than 49151 or 65535 in the registered port range).

In the Integration, use the port number and ip address that you set up in the devices webserver (do not use port 80 as that is the webserver on the device).

of course @xEzeit this is assuming you have wired up the USR-232 as per the guide - it is now powered up and has a working ethernet connection. This is why we are assuming you have the ip address 1…225.

Yes i have follow guide NodeMCU for cabling my USR-232.

And what happens when you visit the IP address of the USR in your web browser?

The stupid thing about that USR is it comes with a standard static IP of No dhcp. I ordered several, all the same. So unless you coincidentally happen to be in the same subnet ( you won’t be able to connect to it without changing your clients subnet/IP to something in that range. Change your IP once connected to something in your own range.

But maybe you know this already. By default it listenes to port 23 indeed.

Hello, this thread is huge and I tried looking into it but I couldnt find any advise on what I m looking for so I m going to add a bit more to it and hopefully figure it out: I have a Visonic Powermax Pro and I m trying to use a D1 mini pro for this project. My initial plan to use the Elfin-EW10A failed since the powermax pro has a 3.3V output and the EW10A needs 5V. So I switched to the D1 mini that also has a micro USB port and I m using Tasmotizer to flash the user1.bin from version 3.2.47. Although this completes successfully, there is no blinking and when sending the config file with the ssid/mqtt info, there is no connection. There is no wifi AP from the D1 mini to connect to either. Is it even possible to do it via Tasmotizer? Do I have to use esptool to flash? Is it doable from the micro usb port or I have to use the connections referred to the instructions? Is user1.bin the right file for the job? Any advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

I think you may have got it wrong, but keep reading :wink:
This integration uses a simple “passthrough” device, all it does is pass data to/from the panel, all the “intelligence” is in the HA integration itself. The hardware gadget that goes in the panel is a simple ethernet to/from RS232 data transfer. So I have no idea how to answer your question.
Have you read the wiki here

I did say keep reading…
I’ve been experimenting with a Wemos D1 to provide the pass through functionality I need to simply transfer data between the ethernet and the panels RS232. I know this sounds over the top for what I need but I’m using ESPHome and I’ve included a switch and service to connect a relay to a wired zone in the panel. This is so the alarm can be triggered from within Home Assistant. I hope to have a first “test” release for people to try in the next few weeks.


Hi Madcloud, It looks like you might be trying to flash ESP_Link??. Use nodemcu-flasher to flash the the four bin files into memory as below


boot_v1.6.bin into 0x00000
user1.bin into 0x1000
esp_initi_data_default.bin into 0x3FC000
blank.bin into 3FE000

this should work, it did on my Wemos DI Mini.

The D1 works well, 3.75v connected to the 3.3v pin. Also tested this on DI Mini Pro - flashed 1st time

In esp-link set all the pin assignments to disabled, set UART to normal

Devesmeghead - thanks for your work on the integration, its working well and for your recent advice on github…I have gave up on the 12 pin Powermax+ and got a Powermaster 30 on ebay.

My only slight issues is the lag for messages, but I am watching this thread for updates on others with a similar problem.


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Ah yes thats what I was looking for. I was just trying to do it with tasmotizer. Thank you

Hi all,

I’ve posted a couple of weeks ago regarding my panel. Today my USR-232 arrived and I decided to give it a go.

In my previous post mistakenly I suggested that my panel is a Powermaster 10, however, by removing the plastic cup I realized that my panel is a Powermax Express (see below). So first question, is this panel compatible with the integration? The Wiki page introduction suggests that is but it is not included in the supported panels list below.

I checked the manual and as it seems the BBA mark above the connection pins stands for Broadband so I believe those are the pins that I need to connect my USR-232. However, when I connect the pins and more specifically the RX (1st row 4th pin) to the USR TX the alarm panel immediately shuts down and it powers up only if I remove the pin. Any ideas why this is happening?

Thank you again.

Did you go back in to the integration options and enable the B0 message processing (as it now knows that you have a PowerMaster panel it will enable these options). It’s “experimental” and may make things worse but give it a go. Leave the 2 time settings at their default, just tick the enable setting. Also did you enable the setting in your panel to keep the PIRs and sensors alive i.e. stop them going to sleep I think it is. Someone else with a PowerMaster may help you with the exact setting.

In the manual for the Express for the mobile capability

it clearly states that it can communicate using the Powerlink module.
“PowerMaxExpress can also communicate using broadband/ADSL using a Powerlink module”
This HA integration pretends to be a powerlink module to interact with the panel and so your panel should be OK. Although I admit that this panel is not one of the common types and so it should work, according to the manual, and the connector looks like it’s correct.

For the pin connection, are you connecting it like this, notice that this diagram is upside down to your panel picture so what do you mean by 1st row 4th pin?


Hope all goes well

When I say 4th pin first row I mean the pin marked in red square below. This is the pin connection that I used (of course TX goes to RX and RX to TX).
scheme 1

Do you think that this should be upside down like the following?
scheme 2

I will give it a try this morning and see if it works.

Yes, if you notice the gap in the black connector wall, your bottom diagram is the same as the diagram I posted.

It looks like you have connected Tx off the gadget to 3volts on the panel, hence why it may have shorted out your panel. It may have also broken the gadget. :frowning:

Ah yes good point I didnt noticed that the notch was reversed. The alarm panel is working fine so if any damage done will be with the USR. I will try to see if it is still alive otherwise I will order a new one thats an easy fix.

Thanks Dave for the help.

I’ve been tinkering again and I have added a new capability … well sort of, let me explain.

Just so you know from the start, I have not changed the code in any way so you do not need to update the code for this, keep reading.

I have been investigating the ability to set off the siren from within Home Assistant. Initially I found this and I bought one from the chap who makes and sells the hardware (his service and delivery are very good although both he and I are in the UK).

I started looking at his code on Github for the device and I reverse engineered it and tried both MQTT and direct JSON integrations. I got the MQTT working as far as I could, but it just didn’t give the same level of capability and at least on my system there were a few seconds delay in sensor triggering to Home Assistant via a MQTT Broker. I would either need to ask for improvements or look at other options.

Anyway, I started looking at other options and came across ESPHome and I have to say that I am impressed with it. It is simple but very effective. Unfortunately it couldn’t directly connect the serial UART to the wifi capability but I then found this ESPHome Issue

It is not part of the core ESPHome capability but it can still be used, so I used it. I ended up buying another Wemos D1 R2 from Amazon to build my tailored ESPHome install (every ESPHome install is tailored, that’s how it works).

I have created and tested this installation on my PowerMax Pro and it works well. The only part I’m not keen on is the wifi connection as my existing set up is Ethernet wired. But I’ll leave it and see how it goes, it’s been running all day (12 hours) and it seems OK. I tried triggering the siren earlier today and it worked.

Just to say that you don’t have to use it to trigger the Siren, you could just use it to connect the visonic integration to your panel.

Essentially both capabilities are built in to the same ESPHome build on the Wemos and can be used independently:

  • Connect to Ethernet and provide for the visonic integration. You do not need to set up the ESPHome integration in Home Assistant
  • If you do set up ESPHome in Home Assistant then it gives you access to the relays to trigger the Siren.
  • If you learn about ESPHome you could set up other remote sensors

I have updated my Wiki to describe what I did, if anyone else gives it a try then let me know.

As I said, I have reverted all my code back and removed MQTT, it’s back to the release I last uploaded to Github.

Last comment to Rob, thank’s for the moral support this week, I finally sorted it. Apparently it matters which Wemos pin is allocated to Tx and which to Rx on the UART, obvious really and I got them the wrong way around. That’s why it worked for about 9 minutes and then stopped. But all working now.


Hi Dave (and everyone else)

I’m having a curious issue, and i’m not entirely sure as to what the source of the problem is, so i’m hoping someone where could have a good idea.

I have a powermaster 33 alarm, that i would like to add into home assistant using you powermaster Component.

What i have done this far:
I used the NodeMCU method, and that one is wired up and working using the method in the wiki.
Guide from Wiki for connectivity

I then added the plugin using HACS, and configured it using the following settings:
Method: Ethernet
Language: EN
no exclusions
Download code (tried both 5650 and AAAA)
not syncing time and not forcing standard mode
tried with both Force Auto Enroll for panels other than Powermax+

On the next page:
Typed and overwrite code
tryed pretty much every setting in different combinations.

And when all comes to all, it works, for a short time.

So, what happens now is that it finds all 18 entities of the alarm, i find all the sensors, i can arm and rearm the alarm, i can see status of all sensors and everyone is happy… for somewhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes. after that, the sensors vanish, and if i look in the developer tools, the status keeps changing from Standard, then Standard plus or powerlink… everytime it is “lost” i seems to renogotiate the link type. Later it changes to “downloading”, and after a while all sensors are back and happy, for the next short time.

I’m not loosing connectivity to the nodeMCU, that one is stable (or well, i can’t see that i’m loosing connectivity, so it’s my assumption that HA agrees with me on that)

Just for the sake of it, i tried building a new HA just to ensure that there wasen’t any of the other parts of my installation that caused this issue, but even on a clean HA, i get the same behavior.

On another note, that alarm after this has been connected has started saying the following on the display:
“System Problem - PLNK. KOMM AFBR.”

Right now, i have tried configuring with no download code, to leave it in standard mode, but i would really appreciate any advice on what i could try to do.

currently, i can see the following in the developer tools on the alarm panel:

code_format: null
changed_by: None
code_arm_required: false
Panel Mode: Standard
Protocol Version:
Watchdog Timeout: 0
Download Timeout: 0
Panel Last Event: None
Panel Last Event Data:
Zone: 0
Entity: null
Tamper: false
Siren: false
Reset: false
Time: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.0’
Count: 0

Panel Alarm Status: None
Panel Trouble Status: None
Panel Siren Active: false
Panel Status: Disarmed
Panel Status Code: 0
Panel Ready: No
Panel Alert In Memory: No
Panel Trouble: Yes
Panel Bypass: No
Panel Status Changed: No
Panel Alarm Event: No
Panel Armed: No
Power Master: No
Panel Model: Unknown
Panel Type: null
Model Type: 0
Client Version:
Exception Count: 0
friendly_name: Visonic Alarm
supported_features: 7

Next consideration, is if it was worth getting the panel upgraded, it is 4 years old, so i guess there could be a firmware upgrade for it, but i have no clue if that is going to help.

Again, any suggestions would be highly appreciated, and i admire you for the time you are spending on making this integration :slight_smile:

There’s no way to update the firmware (as far as I know). Visonic strictly limit who can perform firmware updates.

Could you please create a debug log file like this and upload it to pastebin/dropbox and leave a link here. I’ll take a look through.

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Yea, i know, which is why i’m not the biggest fan of this solution, since it requires me to send it to a shop to who are to make the upgrade (and reset the device in the process) - money i could spend on something else instead :slight_smile:!AuPv-yeXP33MhJJ_uJ7d_iAHQiTkIA?e=6dczXm

Sorry about that, i didn’t see the debugging part before i wrote my other reply. It should be added now. :slight_smile:

I cleaned the log, and armed and disarmed it a few times, the error arrived at 01:11:03 in the log file, or well, that is what i expect to be the issue.

I really appreciate that you are taking time to look into this.

I’ve taken a look through your log file and it’s not good news I’m afraid.

You have a panel type and firmware that I’ve not seen before. PanelType is 10 which I assume is a PowerMaster 33 and it’s a Model 71. Your firmware version is newer than any of the other firmware versions that I’ve seen before.

The message that provides me with the EPROM data from the panel is not formatted correctly so I believe there to be a bug with the visonic firmware itself. This message already works for all other panel types and it’s been used for several years without any issue. I ask the panel to send me a 128 byte page of the EPROM and it is only sending me between 124 and 127 bytes. I do not currently account for this in the code, as I said, all other panel types send me the correct 128 bytes.

At 2021-02-21 01:11:03 there were more then 10 CRC errors on the message to retrieve the EPROM page so my integration restarted the connection as it believe there to be a problem.

I try to download the EPROM every 90 seconds until it succeeds. When you tried to arm/disarm the panel, you did it during one of my attempts to download the EPROM again and so some of your requests were refused with this in the log file “Not supported when downloading EPROM”.

I have a few options to fix it but they all seem to be a bodge to circumvent what I believe to be a visonic firmware bug. Can you try deleting and re-installing the integration and using “Force Standard” to make sure that works while I have a think about it.

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