Hi and thanks
- OK
- Please use as that has the language changes in it
- Thankyou. I’m hoping it might get more Italian speaking people using the Integration, those where their English is not so good and have the panel in Italian.
- That’s an old log file from release, I need a log file from yesterdays release please
For my last question, I asked people how they would feel about translating around 150 phrases and whether to include the strings for pmZoneName_t in the .json language files.
There are some abbreviations that get used (although I assume that abbreviations such as GSM are the same in all languages, or are they?):
"System", "Zone", "Fob", "User", "Pad", "Siren", "2Pad", "X10", "PGM", "GSM", "P-LINK", "PTag", "Rptr", "Unknown",
This is the list of approx 150 phrases.
# 1
"Interior Alarm", "Perimeter Alarm", "Delay Alarm", "24h Silent Alarm", "24h Audible Alarm",
"Tamper", "Control Panel Tamper", "Tamper Alarm", "Tamper Alarm", "Communication Loss",
"Panic From Keyfob", "Panic From Control Panel", "Duress", "Confirm Alarm", "General Trouble",
"General Trouble Restore", "Interior Restore", "Perimeter Restore", "Delay Restore", "24h Silent Restore",
# 21
"24h Audible Restore", "Tamper Restore", "Control Panel Tamper Restore", "Tamper Restore", "Tamper Restore",
"Communication Restore", "Cancel Alarm", "General Restore", "Trouble Restore", "Not used",
"Recent Close", "Fire", "Fire Restore", "Not Active", "Emergency",
"Remove User", "Disarm Latchkey", "Confirm Alarm Emergency", "Supervision (Inactive)", "Supervision Restore (Active)",
"Low Battery", "Low Battery Restore", "AC Fail", "AC Restore", "Control Panel Low Battery",
"Control Panel Low Battery Restore", "RF Jamming", "RF Jamming Restore", "Communications Failure", "Communications Restore",
# 51
"Telephone Line Failure", "Telephone Line Restore", "Auto Test", "Fuse Failure", "Fuse Restore",
"Keyfob Low Battery", "Keyfob Low Battery Restore", "Engineer Reset", "Battery Disconnect", "1-Way Keypad Low Battery",
"1-Way Keypad Low Battery Restore", "1-Way Keypad Inactive", "1-Way Keypad Restore Active", "Low Battery Ack", "Clean Me",
"Fire Trouble", "Low Battery", "Battery Restore", "AC Fail", "AC Restore",
"Supervision (Inactive)", "Supervision Restore (Active)", "Gas Alert", "Gas Alert Restore", "Gas Trouble",
"Gas Trouble Restore", "Flood Alert", "Flood Alert Restore", "X-10 Trouble", "X-10 Trouble Restore",
# 81
"Arm Home", "Arm Away", "Quick Arm Home", "Quick Arm Away", "Disarm",
"Fail To Auto-Arm", "Enter To Test Mode", "Exit From Test Mode", "Force Arm", "Auto Arm",
"Instant Arm", "Bypass", "Fail To Arm", "Door Open", "Communication Established By Control Panel",
"System Reset", "Installer Programming", "Wrong Password", "Not Sys Event", "Not Sys Event",
# 101
"Extreme Hot Alert", "Extreme Hot Alert Restore", "Freeze Alert", "Freeze Alert Restore", "Human Cold Alert",
"Human Cold Alert Restore", "Human Hot Alert", "Human Hot Alert Restore", "Temperature Sensor Trouble", "Temperature Sensor Trouble Restore",
# New values for PowerMaster and models with partitions
"PIR Mask", "PIR Mask Restore", "Repeater low battery", "Repeater low battery restore", "Repeater inactive",
"Repeater inactive restore", "Repeater tamper", "Repeater tamper restore", "Siren test end", "Devices test end",
# 121
"One way comm. trouble", "One way comm. trouble restore", "Sensor outdoor alarm", "Sensor outdoor restore", "Guard sensor alarmed",
"Guard sensor alarmed restore", "Date time change", "System shutdown", "System power up", "Missed Reminder",
"Pendant test fail", "Basic KP inactive", "Basic KP inactive restore", "Basic KP tamper", "Basic KP tamper Restore",
"Heat", "Heat restore", "LE Heat Trouble", "CO alarm", "CO alarm restore",
# 141
"CO trouble", "CO trouble restore", "Exit Installer", "Enter Installer", "Self test trouble",
"Self test restore", "Confirm panic event", "n/a", "Soak test fail", "Fire Soak test fail",
"Gas Soak test fail", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a",
That’s a lot of work so I have not included them in the json file, I want peoples opinion if it’s worth doing or do we just leave them in English (and French and Dutch as I already have those).
Just to be clear, I’m not asking you to translate the above list, I want yours / everyones’ opinion if it’s worth it and then including them in the language json translation file.