Vistapool Integration

Vistapool control unit is not able to control, as far as I know, PH dosage, hydrolisis, ionisation without filtration runing through it.
If I were you, I would check wiring (Vistapool-MODBUS converter), settings of the converter if they are i.a.w. Vistapool registers description.

Yesā€¦ that is what Iā€™ve tried to controlā€¦ only filter pump because the others start with filter pump ON. The lights are control separately but for the lightsā€¦ I keep always Lights ON and control them with external automation since the colours are based on impulse changed within 1 second so I need a fast switching device in order to control the colours and the relay on the Vista doesnā€™t allow such fast ON OFF.
Also filter pump is controlled now with external relay because Iā€™ve integrated it with my solar Panels so basically the pool pump runs only when I have sufficient energy (in batteries and Sun).
But ā€¦ I can skip the control on pump directly from Vista and leave it on Vista always ON. With external relay I enable filtration pump ON /OFF depending on some conditions.
The other auxiliaries like PH, Hydorlisis, ionisation will function only when Flow is detectedā€¦ so only when pump is running. In this way Vista pool controls the auxiliaries and I also have a view on the sensors, ph levels, temperature

So you are able to read data from Vistapool remotely?

Now I see only form the cloudā€¦ the Modbus EXT port was workingā€¦ but now it doesnā€™t.
Somehow the port is not activated by the Vista. Everything works great but setting it as a Slave and ID 1 doesnā€™t seem to activate the modbus EXT port. The settings on the modbus adapter remained the same. Iā€™ve tried to modify some boudRateā€¦ nothing happens. With the same configuration on the modbus adapter I can connect on the wrong port Display and read bad frames(packages) but this is not the good portā€¦ so the modbus adapter(ELFIN) RS485 to TCP is working but the EXT port on Vista is not sending any packages. This thing happens after Iā€™ve reset the Vista. Maybe remained bricked on the EXT Port.

It means that you are connected to the cloud through wifi module.
Vistapool + Cloud + local modbus cannot exist together if I remember well.
Furthermore, you can write from local modbus if, and only if Vistapool is in manual mode.
There are two RS485 slots for modbus one for wifi, second one for external display. I use the one for wifi w/o any problem.

Yes, Iā€™m connected with the cloud via WiFi module. But the EXT Modbus was woking in paralel with WiFi moduleā€¦
You are saying that if WiFi module is workingā€¦ the EXT Modbus will not? hmm didnā€™t realise this. Although it makes no sense since WiFi and Display have separate ports. The Ext Modbus you define it with ID and as slave, at least Iā€™ve thought so

Maybe it has no sense, but you are trying to find an advice., not me :wink:
I am done. Enjoy your vay.

thank you for your advice. Iā€™ll shall investigate further and maybe come with a solution to have both WiFi and EXT active.

Hi all - great inputs here to get the integration with vistapool / sugar valley to work using modbus!

Iā€™ve got mine to work but I canā€™t seem to figure out how to set/control the pump speed if running in manual mode. I can control pump on/of (register 1043 value 1 or 0).

Struggling here - can anyone point me in the right direction?


There is no description of the multispeed pump modbus control publicly available. You could try to contact your dealer or manufacturer.

Hi Kajmaj - I sent you a DM to not clutter this topic :slight_smile:

Just to share my pool dashboard for inspiration or to give feedback!

I have quite a problem (I think)ā€¦ I had the modbus connection working, but since 2 days it stopped communicating for some reason. Could not find the cause. So I decided to flip the Node Addr in the service menu from 1 to 2, and Slave to Master, with the intention to switch back to see if that helped. However I immediately got a ā€˜Communication Errorā€™. All I could do is press OK. Now when I switch on, the ā€˜waitingā€™ icon appears for a few minutes, then again ā€˜Communication Errorā€™. Cannot get into any menu. Does anyone have a magic solution?

Edit: Fhewā€¦ Could get into the service menu after pressing OK a few times and connecting the display to ā€˜displayā€™ at the bottom of the machine (not sure if that did anything). Reverted the changes and everything seems to work again. EXCEPT the modbus connection which still not showing any sign of life. My ESP32 with ESPHOME works OK but seems to have stop communicating with the Hidrolife. Any idea what I could look for?

Edit2: What I remember that Wednesday I changed a setting regarding the alarm for the flow sensor. This was checking only the gas sensor, and now gas + flow. Seems that after that the modbus stopped working. Is that even possible? Or does the triggered alarm (pool is currently not working - alarm continously on) prevent the Modbus from communicating as well?

@Thijs1979 I do not understand your deescription. Sorry but what is your question? :woozy_face:

The issue of ā€œcommunication errorā€ was resolved.

My problem is my Esp32 (esphome) does not communicate with the Hidrolife anymore. And I did not change a thing except change settings in service menu for the flow sensor. Any idea?

Assuming that you are speaking about Hidrolife service menu.
If ESP itself works and Vistapool Hidrolife as well I would check service menu settings and wiring Hidrolife-ESP.

Yes, Hidrolife. What to check in de service menu? Wiring looks OK. Perhaps the RS485 module diedā€¦ could try another one.

Start here :

If ESP itself works and Vistapool Hidrolife as well ā€¦

so does it work or not?
Service menu - return what you have changed back to original settings and test again.

Problem is solved. I replaced the Max485 module and it started to work again. So it had nothing to do with the Hidrolife settings. Looks like the Max485 was toast.

Nice dashbaord!

I am building on a dashboard, going to be a bit less information on it as i canā€™t read all information from my heatpump yet.

I do have a few questions for you on how you got some information in the dashboard.

How did you get the pump speed (Slow on your dashboard) ?
Can you share your config yaml with us on how to view the correct states in the modbus items?

thank you!

P.S.: and a big thank you to @kajmaj for all the information here, i got it working via a wifi RS485 module, had few issues with the settings but got it working with all the information i found here.