Vistapool Integration

All scripts are based on Vistapool Hidrolife reverse engineering ( not mine :laughing: ) I just try to interpret them into Home Assistant environment.
To use heating, if I remember well, you need to activate this function (AUX4) control in Vistapool service menu.
My filtration pump is connected to ā€œdry contactsā€ >> terminals 9 and 10, lights are assigned to 11 and 12.
Technically there should be availabe AUX3 and AUX4 (i.e. ā€œdry contactsā€ terminals 13,14,15,16 to control your pool cover) Related dry contacts :

If you need to verify if scripts are correct - use any modbus tester (I use AVReporter Modbus Communication Tester), control Vistapool from control panel, check relays if work and adequate registers content.

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My Sugar Valley aquascenic (vistapool) is not turning on its screen anymore. I can still control the relays and read out sensor values over modbus but the screen is black and unresponsive. I am not sure since when this is. Maybe since I played around with the relay registers in my previous post. Could it be soft-bricked? Any idea on how to reset the vistapool?

Try to check if the display connector is properly connected.
Otherwise sorry but cannot help.
I soft bricked it several times but everytime I was able to access Vistapool service menu (display worked) and reconfigure device again.
Try to contact manufacturer technical support.

Experimenting with writes to registers w/o knowledge what you are doing could soft brick or even hard brick (hypothetically)
IĀ“ve stressed it several times here. It is stated even in the registers description:

An uncontrolled modification of this register could lead to a bad operation of the system, and in some cases, to an unrecoverable failure requiring technical assistance.

Yes I know, I made sure I only wrote to writable registers that I found in this topic. I am not sure the modbus writing is the cause. Also some registers seem to not update anymore (f.e. ā€œFlow indicator in the hydrolysis chamberā€ is no longer updating when I turn on the pump). I will check if everything is properly connected.

If I remember well, if I tried to write while Vistapool was in ā€œautomaticā€ mode it soft bricked somehow and device did not recognise version i.e. Hidrolife or Oxilife or ā€¦ >> hydrolisis chamber did, sensors, peristaltic pump did not work. I had to reconfigure it via control panel.
Try to check 0x0411 MBF_PAR_FILT_MODE (1041) it should be 0 for Manual.

A good option to control your poolcontoller its with this software:

Iā€™m going to try it.

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Iā€™am full of admiration for your work on rs485 connections! I have an aquaratite+ with the original hayward wifi module. As I wanted to connect my HA to my aquarite from the start (therefore under warranty), I did not dare to connect anything to the rs485 (my installer sometimes passes). And I didnā€™t want to ā€œblowā€ my warranty on a device of this price.
So I ā€œworked aroundā€ the problem by going to ā€œbreak downā€ the hayward control web page. via a ā€œpuppeteerā€ script (not json based), I log in and take the RX-PH-TEMP values off the page every 10 minutes to a text file. My HA will read this file every 10 minutes and so I have the minimum I want in HA. Read-only, but at least it allows me to keep an eye on it and send alerts via automations.
Your solution is more elegant, maybe I should give it a go. If my ā€œlight solutionā€ interests someone, I can share it of course!
rem : another way to do it is maybe use ā€œmultiscapeā€ integration. it seems to do same as puppeteer, but all ā€œinā€ HAā€¦

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Can you share your solution?

Hi everybody,
Iā€™m able to control the lights (toggle ON or OFF) on address 1136 and Lights are in manualMode(addr 1147. the lights just work fine
But for the filtration pump the OFF command doesnā€™t work.
The ON command is working fine!

sequence of setting registers for the ON command:
1041(set value=0),
1043 (set value = 1),
752(set value =1),
delay 1sec,
757 (set value =1)
in this situation the filtration is ON and the command is working
The MBF_RELAY_STATE with filtration ON (addr 270) has value 130 (0 bitflags allover except the bit7 is 1 and bit1(filtration) = 1)
1000 001(filtertON)0

From this state (Filter ON) I try to set Filter OFF) and it is not working.It doesnā€™t allow me to write on the address 1043. I write it with 0 and 1043 remains still at value 1 like somehow like is write_proptected
the command for OFF is

sequence of setting registers for the OFF command:
1041(set value=0),
1043 (set value = 0),
752(set value =1),
delay 1sec,
757 (set value =1)
so the MBF_RELAY_STATE remains the same at 130 because filtration is still ONā€¦

Iā€™ve tried to restart the deviceā€¦ nothing happens.The OFF command is not working. Iā€™ still able to control it from the cloud. From the cloud ON and OFF are working.

can someone explain to me what is happening? why Iā€™m not able to set the OFF command only ON is working?

Thank you

You cannot OFF with ON sequence. The sequence has to be:

        - service: modbus.write_register
            hub: bazen
            unit: 1
            address: 1041
            value: [0]
        - service: modbus.write_register
            hub: bazen
            unit: 1
            address: 1043
            value: [0]
        - service: modbus.write_register
            hub: bazen
            unit: 1
            address: 752
            value: [1]
        - delay: 00:00:01
        - service: modbus.write_register
            hub: bazen
            unit: 1
            address: 757
            value: [1]

sorry copy paste mistake :slight_smile: ā€¦Iā€™m writing 0 for OFF ā€¦ and 1 for ON. The ON is working OFF is notā€¦

Now I have other problem. Suddenly the VistaPool is not responding on my RS485 communication. It is like the ModbusEXTERN port is not active even though it is configured as ā€œSlaveā€ from the secret menu. see attachment. Didā€™t change wires didnā€™t modify anything in the cable configuration.
When connecting to the wrong port(Display port) I receive bytes and framesā€¦but this is the wrong port.

Now modbus port EXTERN is inactive :frowning:

The strange thing is that the communication was workingā€¦and then stopped. donā€™t know why.

also see how to get ServiceMenu(secret pass).maybe helps someone

You probably wrote sthg somewhere where you should not.
Or you tried to perform modbus write while Vistapool was in auto mode.
In both cases >> soft brick (in the better case)
Enter service menu and try to set up control unit in the correct way.
Password is exactly as written in the UG

in case of ā€œsoftBrickedā€ ā€¦how do I restore it to FactorySettings?

It is several years I was dealing with it :woozy_face: Nonetheless it is in the service menu. But not directly Factory Settings, you must adjust it i.a.w your configuration.

sorry for asking so many questions but it is adjusted to my configurationā€¦doing a factory reset and after adjusting it again seems the right way but since it is somehow ā€œbrickedā€ i donā€™t know what to fine tune it in order to unbrick it. so it must have something like a factory reset?

If it has factory reset you should find it in the service menu. Assuming, that after factory reset the device is in some ā€œuniversal stateā€ and it is necessary to activate ā€œyour configurationā€ - for example peristaltic pump, hydrolisis or oxygenerator, various currents and voltages, assign all relays, proper modbus address etc., etc.
Sometimes it could be unrecoverable (it is mentioned several times here, in this thread and it the registers description as well.
I really do not remember how I recovered my control unit from similar state such a long time ago.

Iā€™ve done a Restore Settingsā€¦ everything works fine just the communication on EXT RS485 still doesnā€™t workā€¦it is like the VistaPool is not responding on the modbus EXT port.
Finally, Iā€™ve renounced to control the VistaPool from RS485 since I have other devices for the lights to be controlled differently. So Iā€™ve decided to use external automation.
The VistaPool control over ModbusRS485 is not reliable and could cause errors in controlling it in this manner.
It is better to have an external (relay based) control and leave it as it is.

If you have nothing else in the pool being controled by VistaPool ā€¦ you realy do not need expensive VistaPool then

I have I haveā€¦ the PH dosage, hydrolisis, ionisationā€¦ I wanted to control only filtration pump