Vistapool Integration

Read here as you can see, “external” seems to be the proper place to connect (well, in my case at least)
My device has 4 pin terminals for display/wifi/external but you have 5 pins >> firstly you should identify proper pair of pins dedicated to MODBUS.
Once you know you can test.
If reading does not work >> cables swap (A/B to B/A) could help.

SugarValley is not communicative, but you might be a lucky one.

4 pins in my unit also, though it looks like it is just a not-needed pin. @Yoryino try inverting T- and T+, no risk there. I remember it was also that issue for me.


At last!!!

It was to change the cables and it works!!!

Thank you very much, tonight I try the integration in HA.

I have same device as you @Yoryino . Can you share your cable connection? Are you connected to DISPLAY pins or EXTERN pins? Photo of your working connection would be best and helpfull I got stuck with my connection to Modbus. Thanks

hello in my case I have only changed the cables from A / B to B / A, and it started to work. the connection in external connector

Thanks for reply. Will try to swap A/B cable. So your A/B cables are on pins 3 and 4?
I tried 2 different connections but without swaping A/B cables. So i guess this one should be correct one. I have just to swap A/B cables.

I have Elfin EW11 which has to be powered from pins.

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I left this project aside for almost a year but got some time and started back on it.

I realized that once connecting to the RS485 of the Hayward Aquarite Flo Advanced no nothing was being read, I dont know if is because Elfin EW11 setup or because I need to activate something inside the service menu.

Can somebody let me know if simply by connecting to the modbus is viable to read registers, or I need to activate something? Instructions said (when using official Vistapool module) that once connected the menu Internet will appear and stuff can be configured there, so I wondered if there is a step i am missing here…

Thanks a lot!

Were did you copy your config file?
I already copy/pasted your modbus.yaml file from this thread, and got it all working (reading info that is).

Now I stumble into this info, and want to try it also, off course :slight_smile:

No need to activate sthg, just properly connect it and configure
You shall setup your Elfin as well - bauds etc.
If it is done, and no game, try to change wires A-B >> B-A it could help.

I do not understand what you are asking about :face_with_monocle:

Will give it a shot again, probably I missed something or perhaps my Modbus client didn’t work too well. Will make sure to test against other modbus server before going to it.

Tried with proper Serial settings, as instructed in message Vistapool Integration - #115 by kajmaj

I did change A B cables around a few times just in case, all I get in Status of EW for serial is Sent frames but non received… I thought should be the bloody A-B wiring but seems not.

I did test with other modbus device and my client working fine… this are settings used in HA. If I change IP/port and set a different sensor I read fine another server, and HA it is connecting to EW1.

- name: "aquarite"
  type: tcp
  port: 4328
    - name: MBF_MEASURE_PH #  hodnota pH
      slave: 1
      address: 258
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scale: 0.01
      precision: 2
      scan_interval: 3
      unit_of_measurement: pH

I was running out of ideas, maybe different serial port settings on this AquaRite Flo Advanced device?
What do you think I could look at more?

While sending this post the light bulb moment appeared :slight_smile:
The plug it was reversed in this device, and I was missing one of the AB cables, changed poisitions to the empty pin and data apperead :wink:

You saved me running to check PH that is acting funky this year :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

You posted “your config file”. Is it truly 1 file? If so: where is it located? Or is it just an excerpt of your configuration yaml?

I see. It is an excerpt of my swimming pool package.
This is yaml file of Vistapool modbus sensors I am currently using.
My whole swimming pool package more than 30 yaml files.

It is thanks to that file, and some trial and error with the HF2211 (also getting power from my Sugar Valley OX1) that I have it working: reading of pH, temperature and such. Thank you for that.

Any chance that you can share your total package? It would be nice to not only read data from my Sugar Valley, but also write to it (really control my pool).

Hi kajmaj,
can you post your script to control the pool light ?
I’m trying to make a script with the sequence of this 4 modbus register address with modbus.write_register service but unfortunately the relay does not switch :confused:
Thank you :wink:

Here you are.

#        Vistapool light control MODBUS script        #

    - service: modbus.write_register
        hub: pool  #  your name of hub   
        unit: 1    #  your address of slave  
        address: 1147
        value: [2]          
    - service: modbus.write_register
        hub: pool  #  your name of hub   
        unit: 1    #  your address of slave
        address: 1136
        value: [3]       #  [3] for ON   [4] for OFF
    - service: modbus.write_register
        hub: pool  #  your name of hub  
        unit: 1    #  your address of slave 
        address: 752
        value: [1]
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: modbus.write_register
        hub: pool  #  your name of hub   
        unit: 1    #  your address of slave 
        address: 757
        value: [1]

it works perfectly, thank you ! :slight_smile:

Hello, did you compile the tasmota with the neopool andon? do you have some infos how you did the compilation, which changes you made in the setup file for the compilation and how did you flashed ypour own version on the ESP?

Hello I got it to work! I now have my pH and my Temp. What is the address for the Redox ? Anyone ?