Visual bug on a switch button

all my buttons are exactly the same but the last one is not the same. I don’t know why and how to fix that

on configuration.yaml

mqtt: !include mqtt.yaml

on mqtt.yaml

    - name: "Service bouton"
      unique_id: nabaztag_ztk3o7_button
      state_topic: "nabaztag/sensor/box-nabaztag/service_button/status"
      command_topic: "nabaztag/switch/box-nabaztag/service_switch"
      payload_on: "start_service_button"
      payload_off: "stop_service_button"
      state_on: "online"
      state_off: "offline"
      icon: "mdi:radiobox-marked"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
          - nabaztag_box_ztk3o7
    - name: "Service Assistant"
      unique_id: nabaztag_ztk3o7_vosk
      state_topic: "nabaztag/sensor/box-nabaztag/service_vosk/status"
      command_topic: "nabaztag/switch/box-nabaztag/service_switch"
      payload_on: "start_service_vosk"
      payload_off: "stop_service_vosk"
      state_on: "online"
      state_off: "offline"
      icon: "mdi:rabbit-variant-outline"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
          - nabaztag_box_ztk3o7
    - name: "Service AirPlay"
      unique_id: nabaztag_ztk3o7_airplay
      state_topic: "nabaztag/sensor/box-nabaztag/service_airplay/status"
      command_topic: "nabaztag/switch/box-nabaztag/service_switch"
      payload_on: "start_service_airplay"
      payload_off: "stop_service_airplay"
      state_on: "online"
      state_off: "offline"
      icon: "mdi:cast-variant"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
          - nabaztag_box_ztk3o7
    - name: "Service MQTT"
      unique_id: nabaztag_ztk3o7_mqtt
      state_topic: "nabaztag/sensor/box-nabaztag/service_mqtt/status"
      command_topic: "nabaztag/switch/box-nabaztag/service_switch"
      payload_on: "start_service_mqtt"
      payload_off: "stop_service_mqtt"
      state_on: "online"
      state_off: "offline"
      icon: "mdi:access-point-network"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
          - nabaztag_box_ztk3o7
    - name: "Service Mopidy"
      unique_id: nabaztag_ztk3o7_mopidy
      state_topic: "nabaztag/sensor/box-nabaztag/service_mopidy/status"
      command_topic: "nabaztag/switch/box-nabaztag/service_switch"
      payload_on: "start_service_mopidy"
      payload_off: "stop_service_mopidy"
      state_on: "online"
      state_off: "offline"
      icon: "mdi:music-note"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
          - nabaztag_box_ztk3o7

I think this is something to do with the assumed state of the switch.

Don’t know why it should be different for AirPlay. :thinking:

The state feedback is not working for some reason.

thanks, unfortunatly it’s not a valid option for mqtt switch
MQTT Switch - Home Assistant

Your state on/off are incorrect for airplay

ah yes my bad. I changed the state_topic in an other part from airplay for shairport hahaha

Unrelated to the issue you reported but you should know that you cannot define a device in YAML, only via MQTT Discovery.

ah ? but it’s works and I did no discovery for these entities, only status publish. Entities are associated with the device without problem and about the device I did a discovery.

Read what I wrote again.