Visual feedback of running Automations and Scripts

I would like to be able to go to the Settings/Automations list and the Settings/Scripts list and have some visual feedback of any that are currently running. The visual feedback could be a red or green indicator. Or simply lighting up the automation and script icons in Green. The icons are already used to indicate enabled and disable automations and scripts. Why not add a color to them to indicate if they are currently running or not.

Hi Profile - F_J - Home Assistant Community,

If they are enabled, they are running.
They need to be running in order to see a trigger.
If you are looking to see which are triggered, then most will be triggered on for fractions of a second.

I understand what you are saying… Automations are technically running if they are enabled and the trigger is a brief flash… Like when you are debugging an automation and working with it live you see the trigger line light up briefly. But I think there is still something that could be done and be useful…
Have the icon lit green if it has been triggered but it is not complete (just like looking at a live trace). When the trace is complete the icon grays out again. I think scripts are more straightforward. When they are called the icon turns green; when they finish they are gray again.