Visual issue assigning 30 mins slots on new Schedule integration

I’m trying to setup the brand new integration Schedule, but there’s seem to be an issue with the 30 minute slots using the UI.

I setup a 11:00 to 11:30 slot using UI then hit “Update” button, and after open again the schedule, the slot is setup as 1 hour slot from 11:00 to 12:00

EDIT: I can confirm that is a visual bug only, I checked /config/.storage/schedule and the time is correct on the YAML file. Edited post title…

Screenshot 2022-09-08 at 12.11.27

Is this the right place to report those kind of things? Is my first time here.

Yeah I can confirm that. Would you like to open a new issue?

If so, do it here:

Hit the new issue button and follow the instructions. Give as much detail as possible You can drag and drop your images into the github form.

Never mind I opened one (borrowed your screen shot):

Thanks for opening the issue, I just seen your reply. Hope they fix it soon.
