Did you ever want your lights to show notification effects? With a single command that does not require complicated state handling of the lights? I created a simple Node-RED node that does exactly that for WLED lights.
The node can be easily integrated into flows and thus HA, you basically just need to set the hostname/IP of the WLED device and all other configuration is optional. There is currently one “blink” effect which can be highly customized.
I’ve been using it for some time now, and it’s working great for my use case Please let me know your thoughts and if it’s helpful to you! Contributions (PRs) welcome!
I wanted to show visual notifications in my home, e.g., when the washing machine has finished. I also receive text notifications on the phone but it’s mostly muted and I often do not look at it for hours, so I needed an alternative.
I evaluated Tradfri and Hue smart bulbs with integrated effects, but they need additional handling (e.g., if effect started from off-state, turn off again after the effect has finished) and they are not really customizable. For lights without effects it gets even more complicated: first their state needs to be saved, then a custom command sequence needs to be sent to emulate an effect (potentially creating a high traffic load on Zigbee networks), and finally the original state needs to be restored. Even then, it still interferes with automations, and gets even trickier someone/something else changes the state during an ongoing effect.
Luckily I’m already using a few WLED devices, and I stumbled upon their UDP Realtime control protocol which allows this use case very easily: it temporarily overrides whatever state it has and thus allows to display notification light effects without state handling Since TypeScript and the Node ecosystem are currently my primary programming tools, I decided against a direct HA integration (Python) and for a Node-RED node.