Vivint Integration

I can certainly work from that this evening. I was actually really close to it the other day based on your answer. I could tell I was just missing something simple :roll_eyes: I’ll mess with it again this evening. I appreciate the direction and explanation!

I was able to add this integration successfully. Thank you! This has saved me hundreds of dollars in buying a Konnected Interface kit.

Just one thing I noticed in the log. I disabled the garage door devices because I’ve already brought those in from MyQ. I am seeing these in the log:

2021-09-23 09:20:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Entity cover.single_car_garage_2 is incorrectly being triggered for updates while it is disabled. This is a bug in the vivint integration

2021-09-23 09:20:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Entity cover.two_car_garage_2 is incorrectly being triggered for updates while it is disabled. This is a bug in the vivint integration

I just pushed version 2021.9.6 which should handle this.

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Thank you! No warnings in the log.

Help. I had been successfully using this integration until my network broke down a few weeks ago … after restarting it, my Vivint integration did not recognize any device anymore.

I have tried restarting HA, reinstalling the integration, reinstalling the repository via HACS but to no avail. Since it was working well before, I’m sure it must be something simple but I have been at it for a few days and can’t make it work … so any help would be much appreciated.

Are you seeing any errors/debug logs for the integration? If not, try enabling logging for the custom integration. Additionally, it would help to know what version of HA you are on, as well as the version of this integration you have installed.

None. HA version 2021.9.7 and Integration version 2021.9.6.

But I was doing further testing and I don’t think your integration has any issue. The problem seems to be with my Vivint account. I spent two hours on the phone with Vivint because even though my name/pass combination does give me access to the App, it’s not giving me access to billing which also might mean I don’t have access to the device details connected to my account (which the integration needs, correct?) They ended up writing an IT ticket because they could not solve it yet … so more to come.

Thanks for your prompt reply anyway.

Does the doorbell have a discreet binary sensor entity? I’m trying to set up an automation using a doorbell/notify Google blueprint, but I don’t see an entity for the actual doorbell button press. Thanks!

There isn’t currently a discreet binary sensor for the “doorbell ding” event, but you can easily define a trigger off of the doorbell device as the events are wired up to it. See below:

Oh I see! So I’ve found how to set this trigger in automations, but I’m not quite sure how to then link it to this blueprint. I’m very new at home assistant still, so it’s a little over my head still.

Blueprints are just helpers for creating scripts/automations. You’d have to modify the blueprint to allow for a different trigger or just create your own automation based on that trigger above.

Ah, copy that. I’ve got some learning to do! Thanks!

Edit: Just wanted to pop back in here and say that I got it all figured out last night. I just created a new automation based on that trigger, like you said. Thanks again!

Thanks for the integration and its working great with no issue. The only problem i’m having is setting automations for when alarm is armed/disarmed as nothing happens using device or state. I’m trying to set an automation for doors to lock and lights to go off. When I run the automation the actions do work to lock doors or turn off lights but the alarm does not arm or disarm. Is this possible?

This should be possible via something like this for disarming:

platform: state
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.vivint
to: disarmed

And this to an armed state:

platform: state
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.vivint
from: disarmed

In fact I use both of the above and have had no issues with mine.

That’s what I have too but for some reason nothing happens when i run the automation, This is what I have for the automation.

alias: Lock door on arm - vivint
description: ‘’

  • platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.vivint_panel
    from: disarmed
    to: arm away
    condition: []
  • device_id: a19ae362fecd334cf6890610cb76a0aa
    domain: lock
    entity_id: lock.laundry_room_lock
    type: lock
    mode: single

I also tried no putting only to arm away or disarmed and still nothing happens. Any help is appreciated.

Make sure you use armed_home and armed_away as the states.

I’ve already tried that and didn’t work but finally got it to work by re-installing in HACS and the integration. Thank for your help.

I was able to finally solve this issue.

I had to create a whole new user and then link the integration using this new user,

Unfortunately, now that I’m in, I can’t detect battery levels any more. Have they been eliminated as entities?


They should appear as diagnostic entities now I’m the device. They won’t automatically show up on the dashboard, but should still be there in the device settings.

Tks Nate. Unless I’m doing something wrong, I can’t see them.

I already deleted and downloaded the integration again and the only devices which have more than one entity are the doorbell (doorbell & doorbell motion) and the smoke detector (Smoke detector, freeze & heat)

I also see that, for example, in “” you have class VivintBatterySensorEntitiy which is defining the entity category as diagnostic so I assume they are somewhere … but how do we access diagnostic entities then?

On a personal note, I appreciate all the work you have done here for a long time and wanted to buy you a coffee but for some reason, that website doesn’t take any form of payment (I tried a few).