Vivint Integration

Follow Up on the previous comment - just noticed one of them is at 50%. Could it be that Vivint devices are only publishing discrete battery levels only (i.e. 0 / 50 / 100) ?

Vivint reports battery level in two different ways that I’ve seen. One is the actual battery level, the other is basically just low battery or not. The underlying library reads battery level if it has it, otherwise it will report 100 if not low battery and 0 otherwise. How are you verifying the battery level is not correct? Are you seeing something different in the Vivint app?

Just spoke with Vivint Technician. I just changed the panel today and he says it takes some time for the system to register battery levels … strange but I will give it a couple of days. Anyway, it seems it’s on Vivint’s side and has nothing to do with this integration … thanks for the prompt reply anyway!

Hi @PerseusX. I haven’t updated my integration for a while and just did. Since Vivint was not working, I deleted and downloaded de integration again. I can successfully log into my Vivint Account using MFA, but HA doesn’t load any device or entity.

Home Assistant 2023.9.2
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest

Is there any change I have overlooked? Your guidance is always appreciated

Please also validate the version of the Vivint integration that was downloaded. It should be 2023.8.0 or later as there was a breaking change in HA for devices that caused them to not show up. This is different than the HA core version which you specified above. Additionally, please enable debug logs and check for errors. It’s hard to provide assistance without them. If you are on Vivint 2023.8.0 or later and still have the issue, please post it to Issues · natekspencer/hacs-vivint · GitHub.

@PerseusX will do, Thanks

Looks like home assistant is removing the official MyQ integration:

If you have paid for MyQ access in the Vivint app will it continue to work in the home assistant Vivint integration?

The Vivint integration does not rely on the MyQ integration so it is unaffected by this. It sounds like MyQ is wanting money from third parties and actively working to hinder anything outside of that. I don’t know the details of Vivint and MyQ partnership, but I’m like 99.9% sure Vivint is one of those paid third party providers so should continue to work unless they terminate their partnership.

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I had to pay $50 to Vivint to get MyQ access so I will be pissed if they ended the partnership.

Oh I didn’t know you had to pay to get access to it. That just further cements in my mind the fact that you probably don’t have anything to worry about since I’m sure they’re using some of that to pay for the integration with MyQ. Unless you hear directly from Vivint or MyQ about the relationship, I wouldn’t give it a second thought.

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Does this integration require a Vivint subscription and/or is it cloud based? I’m looking at converting a friend’s home from Vivint to HA.

Yes, it requires Vivint credentials and uses the same endpoints as the app.

I recently changed my password and that caused the Vivint integration to break. I went into the integration and click configure:

I see no way to input my new credentials based on the Options screen. After submitting the Options it tells me Options have been saved:

It takes me back to the Vivint integration page and still shows that setup is failed:

How do I re-authenticate my login credentials?

Hello, I’ve been using the Vivint Integration for some time and have been very happy with it. However, I’m using the old CT100 because it was simple enough for what I wanted, and when we got upgrades for all other devices with customer retention, they didn’t have any new thermostats on the truck.

My only issue with the old thermostat is that it doesn’t send its humidity data to HA via this integration. Does anyone know if the current model Vivint Smart Thermostat sends humidity data with this integration? Thank you.

Every time I restart HomeAssistant this integration appears to re-login which requires a 2FA code from my text messages and that 2FA expires after 5 minutes.

I’ve got Watchtower on my setup so every update causes a restart of HomeAssistant as the upstream container image updates. If I don’t get to it, I’ve got to remove and re-add the integration in order to go through the actual authentication process.

The integration appears in the fix screen with reconfigure ensuring that I can enter a code from the app, but if the MFA code is older than 5 minutes, it doesn’t work.

Could you re-attempt to login when reconfigure was clicked so that a new 2FA will be sent or else try to save OAuth2 credentials so that reauthentication wouldn’t be necessary?

The integration attempts to save a “pickle” file to the config directory which stores the Vivint session and then reloads that on restart to avoid constant 2FA. Can you enable debugging and see if there are any messages stating “No previous session found”?

So I increased the logging for the Vivint component and restarted HomeAssistant and got this the first time

2024-07-07 09:39:14.900 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.vivint.hub] No previous session found

Then I tried restarting multiple times, tried leaving it for days, then restarting again, tried leaving HomeAssistant off for an hour, etc and I can’t get it to happen again. It was making me do the 2fa daily for weeks, then I enabled debug logging and it just started to behave. I do believe that’s likely just a correlation but I have no clue why it wasn’t working before… Thanks for the info and for taking a look!