Vizio Integration - Show apps

I have been using the integration with Vizio (
and would request the ability to launch TV apps from homeassistant

The latest release of pyvizio has these methods:

pyvizio --ip={ip:port} --device_type={device_type} --auth={auth_code} get-apps-list
pyvizio --ip={ip:port} --device_type={device_type} --auth={auth_code} get-current-app
pyvizio --ip={ip:port} --device_type={device_type} --auth={auth_code} launch-app "{app_name}"

I could then make automations to launch a certain app (Netflix)

@raman325 I’ve seen some commits into the vizio component. Thanks for improving it :slight_smile: Is it possible to get Vizio apps to launch (Netflix, Prime Video, YoutubeTV, etc) into the integration, too ?

Hi @veep60 I added app launching support to pyvizio with the intention to add it to HA :slight_smile: . Currently waiting for my other PR to get reviewed and approved to minimize the number of changes in flight at a time:

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@veep60 the change to add support for apps was just merged so it will either come out in the upcoming release or the one after that depending on timing

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yes thanks so much! I will follow the release notes of HA to see when it makes it into the newer builds. I cannot wait to try it out at home. I have some cool ideas for automation :slight_smile: