Vizio Smartcast TV - "cannot connect"

Greetings everyone,

I hope someone can help me. I am using the Vizio Smartcast integration, and I am not able to get it to work. I have tried using the UI when the TV was detected automatically, and my TV never displayed a code after not entering one on the GUI integration. It simply said “failed to connect” under the name.

I was able to use the Pyvizio method, and I received the code on the TV and went through the pairing procedure to get an authorization code. I put that auth code into the GUI frontend, and got the same “failed to connect” error. I decided to edit the configuration.yaml file as the integration doc suggests, and I rebooted HA. The log for the code import results with the error “cannot connect.”

Now I’m pretty much stuck, as I’ve gone through all of the automatic and manual instructions on the integration documentation page.

I recently updated to 117, but I’ve had the TV for a month or so and I was having the same issue with all of the 116 versions.

Does anyone know if this integration is broken and need a fix, or am I doing something wrong?

I should also note that I am able to ping the TV at the detected address, and I even set up a DHCP reservation for it in my router so that the IP address won’t change. I can access the IP and port if I go to in a browser. After telling me the cert isn’t trusted, it takes me to a “The requested URL / was not found on this server.” but… it does show that the TV is responding… just not responding to home assistant? I have included the picture of my pyvizio session for reference.

home assistant vizio - pyvizio cli session

In my troubleshooting, I tried something else. Maybe it would help a dev out there… maybe not. I tried going to the https url for the vizio tv, and the image below is the result.

Are you trying to connect to a newer vizio TV? Like 2020 model? Only asking because i have three vizio TVs. Just got a new and having the same issues as you. My older two models paired just fine.

Yes. I just got the TV brand new about a month ago. I wonder if they had a firmware change that no longer allows the control the integration is trying to use. :frowning:

I suspect it can be controlled. Proably just needs some updates for the integration. My harmony remote does not fully work anymore either. :frowning:

I hope so. I was able to connect the TV to the Vizio android app and Alexa just fine. Just not HA. Hopefully the integration just needs a tweak or two.

OK, I got it paired, but it was a bit of a pain.

Used the manual pairing process and got the access token. Tried to manually add to config.yaml did not work

Went into .storage/core.config_entities

Copied and slightly modified the info from one of my older vizio tv’s

                "entry_id": "4cc38758172c40519c32c26654d53499",
                "version": 1,
                "domain": "vizio",
                "title": "Game Room TV",
                "data": {
                    "access_token": "YOUR TOKEN",
                    "device_class": "tv",
                    "host": "YOUR IP:7345",
                    "name": "Game Room TV",
                    "volume_step": 1
                "options": {
                    "volume_step": 1
                "system_options": {
                    "disable_new_entities": false
                "source": "zeroconf",
                "connection_class": "local_poll",
                "unique_id": "39LTMWXHKU51339"

I changed IP, Access Token, Title, name, Entity ID, and Unique ID. I just changed the last couple of digitis for Entity and Unique. Restarted HA, and viola, it’s there and working

Although, one annoying issue is that it still shows as discovered and I dont see an option to ignore it. So now I have a persitant notification I cannot get rid of

Thanks for your resolution! I tried it, but then HA wouldn’t start. I found in the log that it couldn’t parse my core.config_entries file, so I must have screwed something up. Luckily I reverted and HA is back up. Considering this and your update about the persistent notification, I may wait and see if anyone else chimes in with a fix for the integration. Of course, I’m also pretty impatient, so I’ll probably try your method again and see if I can get it working. Thanks for the help!

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I’m sure you had a typo. Back up and try again just be careful. It’s working well other than the notification.

Tried it again, and now it’s working great! I still have the notification, too, but I can live with that. Thanks again for your help!

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I found I was also getting errors in the logs, for now I just changed the logging level for logger to not log the pyvizio events. It has been working well for me now too. :slight_smile:

I also got rid of the notifications by going into the vizio system options and disabling adding new entities

I mean I should know if I add a new vizio to my network, so if I did that I could this back on. :wink:

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Thanks for the suggestions in getting this working!

I had some time to dig into the error in the logging and found it’s a result of the version endpoint being moved in these newer Vizio TVs.

I’ve raised an issue in github for this, so hopefully we’ll see a a fix to that at some time in the near future. For now, lowering the log level as you have called out works.

Just bought the new 2021 p75q9-h1 model a month ago, and I’m getting the “failed to connect” issue.

I have a 2017 Vizio TV didn’t have any issue with that one, even after removing and adding it again. So something with the new models must be whack.

Gonna try to add it manually with the suggestions above, Thanks!

@dtourtillott thanks for creating the GH issue, I clearly missed this here. Hopefully we can get something working soon so I can post a fix!

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good news! Thanks to help from @dtourtillott in testing, I am able to push out a fix that will add support for 2020 TVs. This will likely come out in a patch release for 0.118



Thanks! I tested the new integration today after updating, and it works great now. Thanks again!