Vocera - WiFi question

(My apologies if this question does not belong here, but I figured this was a good place to start.)

My wireless access point allows me to broadcast up to four SSIDs. Prior to using HA, I had two of them enabled: one for my family (which which is bridged to my router) and one for guests. To keep the various home automation devices separated from my other equipment, I enabled a third SSID.

I have installed HA on a Raspberry Pi 3 that is running Raspbian Stretch with desktop. for security purposes, I configured rth0 to to be on my secured VLAN and wlan0 to the third SSID. Note that the third SSID requires a WPA2 password and the Raspberry Pi is (thus far) the only device configured to access this SSID.

What is puzzling em is this: According to the management console, there as an application called vocera that is a) running on the Raspberry Pi and b) is communicating constantly at a rate of around 274 bps. I ran ps aux, but found nothing called vocera. I then ran nethogs, but it is not showing any wireless network activity.


  1. Has anyone else seen this behavior?
  2. What is this process?
  3. Should I be concerned that there may be malware on the Raspberry Pi?

Thank you for any guidance/ideas that you can offer.

I pulled out a Linux computer and ran Wireshark is true monitor mode. What I found is that the Raspberry Pi is spewing out numerous mcast packets. So, this issue has nothing to do with HA. Sorry to have bothered everyone.