Vocolinc lights

Hi all,
I have some Vocolinc strips around my bed, computer desk and other places but I am wondering if there is a possibility of having it included in the HA components. It is compatible with Apple Homekit and Alexa but I would really love HA to be my main connector to my strips.

Did you ever get this to work?

No I am still hoping someone can help me.

me too. I have 4 L2’s I’d like to use in Hassio but can’t seem to get them into ha.

So playing around with it today. I managed to get one of my L2s working in home assistant.

  1. rest it to default
  2. while it is adding to siri wait until after it gets your network information (when it shows up in HA as not configured) and then cancel the adding to home kit.
  3. Follow the steps to add it in HA.

cant you use the homekit integration since they work with home-kit?

Did anyone figure this out? I have L3 bulbs and no luck. HomeKit controller won’t discover and connect to them for some reason. Anyone figure it out?

Does this still work for you @kotahukka? I’m having no luck with L3 bulbs…

Hi, I can confirm that I was able to add Vocolinc bulb to HA through HomeKit Controller - for reference of future readers or those that wonder if they will be able to integrate their existing vocolinc products into HA.


  • add bulb to homekit normally through iOS
  • remove from Home app (‘remove accessory’) but do not reset the bulb itself, leave it on
  • HomeKit Controller integration picks it up and can add to HA

Further steps/details available here: HomeKit Controller - Home Assistant


Did work for me as well. :+1:t5::+1:t5: