Voice Assistant, Alternative High Quality Speakerphone (Polycom CX100) works!

I recently dug into my collection of old AV stuff in the garage looking for a better quality speakerphone. Low & behold, I found an old Polycom CSX00 USB. My Home Assistant images are all running on Proxmox 8.1 of which I have 3 servers running VM’s with various stages of HA. I inserted the USB into my Proxmox server and observed it activating and then disappearing. Validate my observation with LSUSB command too. Looked to try and find Linux drivers no luck or tips. Only Windows drivers. Finally I decided to simply pass the port directly to my Test HA and it appeared magicly after rebooting. Made the necessary option alignments to utilize the newly found CS100 and bingo works like a champ and clearly too! Whoever tells ya to clean out the garage, just stall. You never know when you may need something again :slight_smile:

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