Voice Assistant and language with diacritics

Hello. I’m trying to use Voice Assistant and I’m encountering a problem with translating spoken words into text. My language is Slovak, and for example, on iOS, I use the “Shortcuts” app to execute commands. I dictate the sentence “vypni svetlo v kúpelni (turn off the light in the bathroom)”, but I get the text “vypni svetlo v kúpelňí,” which is, of course, incorrect, and the voice assistant cannot recognize it as a result. I know that it’s possible to use aliases, but I would have to configure all possible combinations for that. Is it possible to somehow use UTF-8 → ASCII//TRANSLIT? Or perhaps, could the Voice Assistant team address this issue?

Ahoj ja mam celkovo problem nastavit hlasove ovladanie. Neviem poriadne ako nato. Nikdy mi nerozumie. Ako to zadavas.

Bump, and this “issue” also applies to Whisper