Voice Assistant stops working-listening

Hi guys. Today I have faced this issue on my Atom Echo,

[20:08:20][D][esp-idf:000]: I (23729714) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:422]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to WAIT_FOR_VAD
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:176]: Waiting for speech...
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:422]: State changed from WAIT_FOR_VAD to WAITING_FOR_VAD
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:189]: VAD detected speech
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:422]: State changed from WAITING_FOR_VAD to START_PIPELINE
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:428]: Desired state set to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:206]: Requesting start...
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:422]: State changed from START_PIPELINE to STARTING_PIPELINE
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:443]: Client started, streaming microphone
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:422]: State changed from STARTING_PIPELINE to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:428]: Desired state set to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:529]: Event Type: 1
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:532]: Assist Pipeline running
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:529]: Event Type: 9
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:529]: Event Type: 99
[20:08:20][D][voice_assistant:675]: TTS stream end

As you can see on tts stream end my m5 stack echo stops listenning and I have to turn off and on the wake word to make it work, at this time I can see the log working again changing the listenning states, but when I say an intent this thing happens again. Do you know what is happenning?

Edit: the text to speech doesn’t work properly either. The m5 stack echo stops the speech in the middle of the response. I’m using NabuCasa service.


I have been experiencing this with all my M5 since yesterday.

I updated my devices in esphome, I also updated my docker images (not using add-on or HAOS)

I do not know what the culprit is.

Following and hoping someone else knows what’s going on.

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Same for me :sleepy:

Any luck? my M5 is in the post :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

This stuff is simply not ready for prime time. It’s going to be quite some time before it’s stable enough to be useable in real life like Alexa is. Just think of it all as proof of concept and enjoy it when it does sort of work. Otherwise you will be hopelessly frustrated…

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Ya I have a esp32-s3-box-3 and a pi zero with the 2mic hat and they only work about a 10th the time. It is real hard to find logs to find the problems can’t wait for it to work good are have the hardware to make it work good. the pi zero works better then the esp devices and the esp device speaker is crap so not worth it. it would be cool if they figured out how to add a display to it and have it all work with the assistant. if any one can tell me the logs to look at for the pi zero to get a good look at whats wrong when the wake word freezes i would appreciate it.

You have a Box3! Install Willow and move on!

Yeah I just built one of these. It started ok but now won’t respond… No apparent errors here:

pi@pi-voice-study:~ $ journalctl -u wyoming-satellite.service -f
-- Journal begins at Tue 2023-12-05 16:31:03 AEST. --
Jan 04 14:32:56 pi-voice-study run[1204]: Playing raw data 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono
Jan 04 14:43:33 pi-voice-study run[1181]: INFO:root:Streaming audio
Jan 04 14:43:35 pi-voice-study run[1215]: Playing raw data 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono
-- Boot 8d7ba45dc2824da6ad19d9be31e430a6 --
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study systemd[1]: Stopping Wyoming Satellite...
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study run[640]: Aborted by signal Terminated...
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study systemd[1]: wyoming-satellite.service: Succeeded.
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study systemd[1]: Stopped Wyoming Satellite.
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study systemd[1]: wyoming-satellite.service: Consumed 22.601s CPU time.
Jan 04 15:08:37 pi-voice-study systemd[1]: Started Wyoming Satellite.
Jan 04 15:08:38 pi-voice-study run[765]: INFO:root:Ready
Jan 04 15:08:39 pi-voice-study run[765]: INFO:root:Connected to services
Jan 04 15:08:39 pi-voice-study run[768]: Recording raw data 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono

Nothing in the HA logs. Anyone else done any fault finding with this?

Edit: I do note that there is nothing additional being added to the log I just pasted. That in itself might be an indication?

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i was able to run a systemctl disable, enable and it would work one or 2 times but after that nothing. would have to reboot and run the disable, enable command again. the esp32-s3-box-3 work about the same, this is a long way from production. i hope the people smarter then me will figure it out. love home assistant and cant what to kick amazon echo out of the house.

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I think the problem is occuring when I add the extra servcies. I am running the bare wyoming satellite service at the moment and it seems to be stable. When I try adding either the LED service or the local wakeword service to the satellite service then it stops responding. For clarity, I have three services running ok on the Zero 2W but as soon as I connect them all things fails

ya that seems to be the thing. i removed the i2c stuff and it seam to work now

I have the same issue with S3BOX and S3BOX-Lite. It works a few times after power cycle, but then jsut freezes up and not responds anymore.

Any solution to this yet or things I could try to resolve this? I used the pre-build project from the esphome.io page.

I’m now using this version of the software and it is working well. You just don’t have the LED option wyoming-satellite/docs/tutorial_installer.md at 20bbd3cb4f69f26930d8ecb577901472c2df17fd · rhasspy/wyoming-satellite · GitHub