It is right under the guide you have used. But i had the same problem to find it at the beginning. Be careful! i had issues to install the driver with the setup tool and only openwakeword works not porcupine. Maybe combine the two guides at least for installing the recommended driver.
OK updated. Should there be any relationship between the audio settings in the installer (e.g. gain and noise suppression) and the entities in HA? Changing either seems to have no effect on the other and I am having trouble working out if it is actually doing anything?
Once you apply settings, it should generate the service files in a local directory so you can check it out.
It’s best if you use the noise suppression, etc. on the device itself so it won’t take resources away from HA. You don’t want it in both places, as this will do double filtering, boosting, etc.
hay so i started down a different path using a pi zero 2w and the 2 mic hat. it works much better then the esp device and i was able to use a small screen with it to provide feedback and input. if i can git the interface working the way i would like i may post a video about my setup. but that means i have stoped any work into the esp32 box. the speaker is just to week. also i was able to run MPD on the pi zero at the time so i can use that to send music and tts to the device.