(Voice) Best way to interact with all entities from a specific domain using floor aliases

I am having issues with turning on all lights on a floor (collection of areas).

I have a floor called basement set up with the assist alias “basement”. I have several areas set up with aliases. Something like “Basement hallway” has an alias of hallway (because in Hass docs it implies that the floor will be inferred if the voice assistant is in an area that is part of the basement floor).

So, if I want to turn off all lights in the basement floor, how do I phrase that? I am asking a device that is assigned to an area that is assigned to the basement floor. I’ve tried several different things and there is no definitive phrase I can find.

Sometimes “turn off all lights in basement” will work, sometimes not. Same with other phrases, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt and I am unsure what I am doing wrong. I don’t have an area named “basement” just things like “basement bathroom”, “basement hallway” that are part of the “basement” floor and they are all aliased like Hass says to, “hallway” for basement hallway entity, etc.

After reading the voice assistant docs, faq and troubleshooting stuff, I am still lost. It says that Hass will infer things based on area of voice assistant (basement lv lamp is aliased to “lamp” and then say turn off lamp vs turn off basement living room lamp). The thing is, when dealing with all entities of a domain for a floor, they don’t give any examples or workflows of how to correctly ask the voice pipeline to turn off all lights on a certain floor. In my mind, if I ask Hass to “turn all lights in basement off” it should turn all lights in the basement floor off. I could see if there was an area named basement or aliased to basement causing confusion, but there isn’t.

I’ve tried variations, trying to add “floor” but usually that just confuses it even more. Example: “turn lights in basement floor off” will result in “no area named basement floor” or “I don’t understand”.

Is there anyone here who has gone through phrasing with floors?