another attempt with M5Stack was successful today, whisper, wakeword and piper are finally running. Took me >12 month, the UDP forward ‘works as designed’ was cumbersome.
So - a couple of things work out of the box, quite happy:
- Öffne Rolladen Garten
- Rolladen Garten 5% Prozent
- Dreame Erdgeschoss an
- Wie hoch ist die Temperatur des Esszimmer
However, as always a desire for more is available:
How to tell whisper never to do ‘,|.’? If i say ‘Tür Garten’ normally whisper understands ‘Türgarten’. If i pause to long it understands ‘Tür, Garten’. Can i tell whisper never to output , and . ?
sentences/de/climate_HassClimateSetTemperature.yaml - I can’t get that to work - how to debug all that unhelpful “I couldn’t understand” stuff?
Where are those files? Could I adept / expand myself?
intents/sentences/de at d72293593f894bc9dfe1750c2a2d7649076eedb3 · home-assistant/intents · GitHub -
Climate might have more than ‘Set Temperature’ - e.g. my aircondition will heat or cool and requires a turn on, i guess. Do i need to manually expand capabilitites - or do i oversee something?
Thanks - HomeAssistant is a great Toy!