Voice PE - Button press triggers & Easter egg?

Hi all

Quick question for those in the know, I want to use the new voice PE’s button to trigger automations and/or scripts but note that when double, triple or hold action is carried out the PE plays a tune - is there a way of disabling this function ?

Reason being that at present the PE is being used in the bedroom and sits right next to a button we use for automations and would love to replicate the current buttons functions and repurpose the switch elsewhere, but because its used at night the feedback noise is not acceptable in the middle of the night.


Edit: PS. What the hell is an “Easter egg press”

You could mute it like any media player, but that will also mute everything else, i.e. all speech output:

action: media_player.volume_mute
  entity_id: media_player.home_assistant_voice_123456_media_player
  is_volume_muted: true
enabled: true

It seems like you can even use it in an automation to mute itself before it responds audibly to the button press:

  - trigger: state
      - event.home_assistant_voice_123456_button_press
    to: double_press
    attribute: event_type
  - trigger: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ is_state_attr('event.home_assistant_voice_123456_button_press', 'event_type', 'double_press') }}

Either of these trigger options seems to work.

So, using the above action for each of the 3 (4?) events as the first action should mute it before it can play a sound - might even be able to add an if-then-else functionality in there that only mutes it e.g. between 10pm and 7am.

And then set the volume to ‘normal’ again at 7am.

No ide re. the easter_egg_press event :grin:

You can adopt the device into ESPHome, then you can remove the button sounds.

You’ll get the easter egg by spelling “HA” in morse code (.... .-) using the button.

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Thanks that may be the way I go, however do you know if I adopt it in ESP home and modify the relevant code, does this mean that whenever it gets updated it will over write my changes or will they remain ? Thanks again

For whatever reason Button press is not available in my PE

Somebody an idea why and how to solve it?

So the way this works is, when you adopt it, you will get a minimal config:

Note how this config imports a package. When the code on GitHub changes, you will get those updates the next time you rebuild and install your firmware. (But no OTA auto-updates.)

If you want to actually change or remove the built-in behavior (and not just add some entities) you might be required to copy the referred YAML file into your config and remove the package reference. At that point you will no longer get config changes automatically. The YAML you copied will still contain an external_components definition, which means you will still get code changes, whenever you recompile your firmware.

Have you double-pressed the button?

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Ok, THX :+1:

same here, did you get it fixed

Yes, with the tip i got in the quote.

What does doubl press do, now it tells me how long ago it was pressed like a timer, lol